Government and Politics- Unit 1 Edexcel AS
People and Politics - Unit 1
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- Created by: ellen
- Created on: 26-12-11 11:24
What is direct democracy?
- Athenian in origin.
- Government by the people.
- Considered to be the purest form of democracy.
- Views of every person allowed to vote are directly translated into policy/law.
Problems with direct democracy
- People may not understand complex questions.
- Majority might discriminate against minority.
- Impractible in a large state.
- Costly in time and money.
- People can be swayed by emotion rather than thinking rationally.
- May result in public apathy (boredom).
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Arguements FOR representative democracy
- Practical and less time consuming.
- Politicians act more rationally than people.
- Ensure public participation through elections e.g. joining pressure groups.
- Representatives are always held to account by the people.
Arguements AGAINST representative democracy
- Irregular participation- General Elections only.
- Politicians can lost touch with 'ordinary' people.
- Women and ethnic minorities are under-represented; only 18% of MPs are women and only 3% are black.
- Government often ignores its mandate (manifesto commitment)
- Voting systems are not always fair.
- Representatives can ignore public opinion.
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Liberal Democracy
- Basic freedoms enjoyed by all, for example, freedom of worship.
- Democracy- free and fair electons in which two or more parties compete.
Features of Liberal Democracy
- Free and fair elections.
- Elected representatives and government accountable to the people.
- Competitve elections.
- Civil liberties are protected.
- Variety of beliefs are tolerated.
- Peaceful transition of power.
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- A referendum is a popular vote on a particular policy issue of importance by the electorate.
- It asks for a 'yes' or 'no' answer - i.e. 2011: Should the electoral system be changed from FPTP to AV? NO- Electoral system remains FPTP.
- In the UK, the vote is not binding on the goverment as it is only a constitution convention.
- This is because Parliament is sovereign (holds ultimate power).
- Referenda is a form of direct democracy.
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Arguements FOR the use of referenda
- Consulting the people is more democratic e.g. referenda are a form of direct democracy.
- They promote public participation in politics, which is declining (61% turnout in 2005 election).
- They foster public debate and educate about important issues e.g. the Euro.
- They limit the power of the government's elective dictatorship.
- No government since 1935 has had a majority vote, so the governments mandate to legislate without referenda is questionable.
- They demonstrate public support for issues such as devolution, there is little point in it otherwise.
- The electorate have a say on contentious issues.
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Arguements AGAINST the use of referenda
- Parliament is supposed to be sovereign and should not abdicate its responsibilty like this.
- The public is ill informed about complex issues like the Euro; better to leave it to the experts.
- Public opinion changes e.g. the Welsh voted against devolution in 1979 but for it in 1997.
- Governments hold referenda for party political advantage e.g. Wilson on the Common Market in 1975.
- Only hold referenda when they think they can win them; that is why Labour have not held one on the Euro.
- Questions in a referenda are difficult to frame and bound to oversimplify complex issues and government can also manipulate the wording of the question.
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Pressure Groups
What is a pressure group?
- An organisation which seeks to influence a comparatively small range of public policy without itself seeking to govern.
- Members have some shared interests and objectives.
- Pressure groups vary widely from large groups like the CBI- Confederation of British Industry (represents 150,000 businesses) to MOVE which represents a very small number.
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Sectional/ Interest Groups
- Sectional groups seek to represent the common interest of a particular section of society. (Want to protect their own interests).
- Members are directly concerned with the outcome of campaigns as they usually stand to gain.
- Membership is restricted.
- Aim to get as many eligible people to join - more power.
- Examples:
- NUT- National Union of Teachers.
- BMA- British Medical Association.
- FBU- Fire Brigade Union.
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Cause/ Issue/ Promotional Groups
- Cause groups represent some belief or principle. They seek to act in the interest of that cause,
- Anyone can join.
- By doing so, you accept the beliefs and principles.
- Achievements are not necessarily of direct professional or economic benefit to the member.
- Examples:
- Amnesty Internation for human rights.
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Insider Groups
- These are groups that are regarded as legitimate by government and are consulted on a regular basis.
- Most sectional groups are insider groups (because most public sector professions are employed by the Govt).
- They have direct access to ministers without having to go through Parliament or the media.
- E.g. NFU consulted about the foot and mouth crisis in 2001.
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Outsider Groups
- Either do not wish to become involved in regular consultation with the government or would like to gain recognition by the government but are unable to do so.
- IPPR were aiming for insider status, and eventually became insider with a change of government in 1997.
- Earth First oppose the political system and therefore do not want insider status.
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- A political system/ democracy, where a wide range of beliefs, ideologies and ideas is tolerated and allowed to flourish. It also implies a society where many different groups are active and free to operate.
- Representatives are chosen infrequently and by the majority. Pluralist theory argues that there are other ways to influence politics between elections and to represent the views of the majority.
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How do pressure groups help democracy?
- They widen participation and are especially attractive to young people and women.
- They promote debate and raise public awareness of issues e.g. human rights and the environment.
- They keep the government in line with public opinion between elections, e.g. the fuel protests in 2000.
- They defend disadvantaged groups whose interests might otherwise be ignored, e.g. Shelter for the Homeless.
- They maintain political stamina, e.g. Friends of the Earth on recycling.
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How do pressure groups hinder democracy?
- Self interested groups like Formula 1 bypass public debate and use financial muscle to get what they want.
- Unelected groups have no right to influence a democratically elected government.
- No justification in a democracy for pressure groups to use illegal methods, e.g. Reclaim the Streets or violence, e.g. the ALF.
- Pressure group influence isn't level.
- Well organised groups can get their way even if a public opinion is against them e.g. the Countryside Alliance on hunting.
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Is pressure group influence increasing? - YES.
- Pressure group membership is rising while party membership and voter turnout (51% in 2001) are declining; the RSPB has more members than all 3 main political parties combined.
- Women and young people are more attracted to pressure groups than parties.
- It could be argued that in a global economy big business has more power than parties.
- Pressure groups campaign on issues like animal welfare and GM food which interest the public but parties tend to neglect.
- The lack of difference between the parties makes pressure groups seem more relevant to them.
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Is pressure group influence increasing? - NO.
- Most pressure group campaigns, e.g. against the Iraq War or in defence of hunting, fail.
- It could be argued that what we are seeing is a crisis in party politics rather than a rise in pressure group influence.
- Only parties can form government and official opposition and offer electoral choice.
- Labour's reduced majority since 2005 has made Parliament more relevant, e.g. gambling, Trident.
- Pressure groups often have to work through parties, e.g. the League Against Cruel Sports lobbied Labour against hunting.
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- Elitism is the theory that power is concentrated and not evenly distributed.
- Some pressure groups have more power and influence than others.
- Economic groups are commonly seen as more powerful than other groups.
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Political Parties
What is a political party?
- A political party is an organised body seeking to win government power by putting candidates up for election and gaining for public support.
- Parties hold a range of views based on shared ideology, e.g. Conservatism.
- They have a wide range of policies which they put together in a coherent form (manifesto) at election time.
- They have members and activists as well as fielding candidates for public office.
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Functions of a Political Party
- Representing the people.
- Formulating policies and presenting them to voters in a manifesto.
- Giving voters electoral choice.
- Providing opportunites for participation, membership, activism, standing for public office.
- Forming a government and managing political change in such a way to ensure stability.
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Consensus Politics
- Refers to the parties agreeing about fundamental issues, like Blair and Cameron.
Adversarial Politics
- Parties disagreeing and reversing each others policies, as Thatcher did after 1979.
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