Health and social care AS unit 1 Revision
summary of unit 1 human growth and development
- Created by: Amy Joyce
- Created on: 13-01-13 18:27
Growth + Development
Growth- An increase in physical size and/or strength. E.g. Height, weight.
Development- An increase in skills, abilities and capabilities.
When a question asks about 'Health and well being' think of P.I.L.E.S
Life stages
0-2 years- Infancy
3-8 years- Childhood
9-18 years- adolescence
19-45 years- early adulthood
46-65 years- middle adulthood
66 +- Later adulthood
Conception: 23 pairs of chromosomes
DNA- Half from mother and half from the father
Dominant and recessive genes
Genetic disorders Single gene disorders- Sickle cell anaemia
Trisomy- Downs syndrome
Foetal Scans Date the pregnancy, Check the heartbeat, Check development and check for any abnormalities
Amniocentesis is used to test amniotic fluid for downs syndrome
Growth and development: P.I.L.E.S Physical- can sit up, support own head 6mths, Intellectual- learns colours, Emotional- Sulks, Social- Shy, waves.
Primitive reflexes Rooting, sucking, grasping, walking, morro,
Cephalocaudal development- development starts from the head downwards
Growth and development: P.I.L.E.S
Physical-Builds towers using play blocks, Intellectual- can count, Emotional- Egocentric, Social- Follows instructions and chooses friends.
Types of play Unoccupied play, solitary play, onlooker play, parallel play, associative and cooperative. Benefits of play Confidence, imagination, cooperation skills and communication skills.
Stable family Nutritious meals, someone to confide in, someone to talk to, structured daily routine, increased developmental support and increased safety.
Negative experiences Embarrased, anger, low self esteem. isolation.
Socialisation- Process in which a child learns the norms, values and skills required to function in society.
Primary socialisation- The attitudes, morals and behaviours learnt at a young age from family.Secondary socialisation- Attitudes, morals and behaviours that are developed through exposeure to friends, school and the media etc.
Growth and development: PILES
Physical- Facial hair/ovulation
Intellectual- Abstract thinking
Emotional- Friends become more important than family, sexual exploration
Social- independence
Puberty Change from child to adult and prepares the body for reproduction Male- Facial hair develops, pubic hair develops, Shoulders broaden, muscle development, Sperm production, testosterone, Female- Pubic hair develops, hips widen, breasts develop, periods start (menarchy). oestrogen is produced.
Friendships Socialise with, explore, share feelings and excercise with.
Self concept During adolescent self concept decreases due to all of the changes of the body throughout puberty.
Early Adulthood
Growth and development: PILES
Peak strength, life skills, commited relationships
Key skills that should be developed
Fit and able, enhanced social skills, emotional maturity.
Benefits of being active
Independence, weight control, Happines, reduce risk of dimentia, less lonely and form relationships.
Middle adulthood
Growth and development: PILES
Menopause, wisdom, peak happiness and more time to socialise
Females ovaries stop producing and releasing eggs so the woman is no longer fertile/able to conceive. Usually occurrs between 45 and 55. Hot flushes, night sweats, irratibility and mood swings.
Later adulthood
Growth and development: PILES
Eyesight declines, hearing declines, reduced mobility, loss of skin elasticity, memory issues, speach impairment, isolation, fearfullness, reduced social contact or more time to socialise.
Remaining active
Fitter, mobility improves,stimulation, creative, happier, increased self esteem, enhanced relationships.
Tired, less time for hobbies, anxiety, no social time.
Factors effecting growth and development
Genetic factors Passed down in genes from parents, May contain faults in DNA, Inhertied characteristics include hair colour, eye colour and IQ
Genetic diseases Trisomy (3 chromosomes e.g. downs syndrome), Sickle cell anaemia.
Lifestyle factors Smoking- addiction, cancers such as throat and lung cancer.
Alcohol- liver damage, depression, accidents.
Stress- Panic attacks, anxiety, weight issues, insomnia, depression and anger.
Healthy lifestyle- Diet, excercise, relationships, sleep medical check ups
Unhealthy lifestyle- poor diet, substance abuse, sexual behaviour
Factors effecting growth and development
Socio-economic factors Seocondary socialisation- Friends, media, school. Fit in, builds confidence, anti-social behaviour, distrespect. Income- obesity, unhealthy diet, crime rate, housing, intellectual development. Employment- confidence, independence, stress, life expectency, learn new things. Social class- Education, employment, housing etc. Diet, obesity, stress, immune system. Culture- Background and beliefs. Value of education, belief system, mariginilised, prejudice, gender roles.
Physical environment Crime, pollution, education, housing, Disease, boredom, depression, stress, fear isolation.
Phsychological factors Relationships: Successful- bonding, love, confidence, advice, secure, self esteem. Negative- Confusion, anger, unhappy, stress
TERMS: Self image- how a person sees themselves. Self esteem- How and individual values themselves. Self concept- Self image+ esteem.
Nature vs Nurture Nature- Genetic factors. Nurture- Environment
Example arguement: Obesity gene (Nature) VS diet (nurture)
Health promotions
Definitions of health
Personal- Where the person deems themselves as healthy.
Positive- Focuses on personal capabilities
Negative- Focuses on the prescence or absence of disease
Holistic- Viewing the person as a whole taking into account their culture, background, beliefs as well as physical, intellectual and social needs.
AGE, EDUCATION and CULTURE- affect views of health.
AIMS of health promotions Raise Awareness, Improve the health, Prevent disease.
Benefits- Individuals- live longer, awareness of health issues, improved fitness, increased self esteem.
Society- Save NHS money, decreased disease rates, healthier population.
Health promotions
Health promotion models/approaches
Biomedical- immunisations to create herd immunity etc
Advantages- Trust in medical proffesion, free, prevent illness
Disadvantages- Costly, specialist staff, relies on compliance
Educational/behavioural- Provides information in order to change behaviour
e.g. change4life campaign
Advantages- low costs, does not tell people what to do
Disadvantages- Can lower self esteem, may be ignored, short term
Societal- Where legislation is used to make unhealthy options illegal e.g. smoking ban
Advantages- applies to all, costs less, long term
Disadvantages- No freedom of choice