Health and social care unit 7.2

Revision cards for health and social care 7.2

  • Created by: Helen
  • Created on: 15-01-11 18:42

7.2 Meeting Individual Needs

Care plan: An agreement of services that will be provided to meet the holistic needs of a service user, devised by a key worker or a mult-disciplinary team

Key Worker: A carer assigned to make sure the care plan is followed, also known as the lead professional

Multi-disciplinary team: A group of professionals from differant backgrounds who work together to provide care to meet the holistic needs of the individual

Holistic: all needs of the service user ¬> PIES

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The Care Plan Cycle

Referal to services¬>

¬> Risk assesment and assesments of needs ¬>

¬> Care planning ¬>

¬> Implimentation ¬>

¬> Monitering ¬>

¬> Review/evaluation ¬> this then goes back round to the assesment of needs again

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- Risk assesment: Related to the Fair Access to Care Services document (FACS), this assesment is to determine the services users risk if they do not recieve the care they need, this can be low, moderate, substantial or critical

- Assesment of needs: This is how the needs of the service user are identified, as well as a financial assesment and assesment of their situation and that of their informal carers

- Care planning: Having identified the needs of the individual, a structured plan of action is decided to meet the holistic needs of the individual, targets and a review/evaluation date is set

- Implimentation: Care plan is started

- Monitering: The key worker makes sure the care plan is followed, if any changes are made,  eg services are not needed, these changes are made and notes taken

- Review/evaluation: The multi-disciplinary team meet again to discuss notes and decide if the targets have been met

Through every stage of the care plan process, the service user should always have an input in their care

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Care plan models:

- Empowerment ¬> Giving the service user power to make their own choices and have a say in their care, this can be though things like advocacy

- Normalisation¬>individuals should 'fit in' with society, focused mostly on individuals with physical/learning disabilities and those with mental health problems

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- Networking ¬> Formal or informal connections between professions that can help them share experties and experiences to help find ways to meet the needs of the service user

- Advocacy ¬> Someone speaking on behalf for someone else who is unable to voice their own opinions, most commonly in the care planning it is the key working or the main informal carer

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Issues that can affect care plans:

- Confidentialty ¬> How much information should be shared between people?

- Risk ¬> What risks would the service user be exposed to if they do not receive this service?

- Resources ¬> Sometimes the care a person needs isn't always easily avaliable

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