The German popes (from Clement II to Nicholas II) transformed the papacy. Under their leadersip, the bishopric of Rome became more than just a passive recipient of appeals and judicial business, it became an active advocate of renovatio in Christendom as a whole. But, it's a moot point whether this transformation would lead inevitably to conflict with the emperor as the various popes and the king were on similar pages.
But, things took a different turn during the minority that followed Henry III's death in 1056 when his 6 year old son, Henry IV, succeeded to the throne. It was during this period that the Lotharingians in Rome and Tuscany had a decisive influence. In 1057, one of Godfrey the Bearded's brothers became pope as Stephen X, and with this development, a far more radical array of figures came to fore among the clerics attached to the papal court, including Hildebrand, the future Pope Gregory VII.
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