Henry VII - Nobility
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- Created by: Dxminix
- Created on: 13-01-17 17:43
Who are the Nobility?
Who were they?
- Class of person distinguished by high birth or rank
- The quality of belonging to the aristocracy
What did Henry do?
- He put an end to the independent feudal nobility and started the beginning of the service nobility
- They were no longer independent of the king
Henry's options?
- Win their support or force them to support him through force
- Used second option a lot more when dealing with the nobility (had to secure his position as head of England)
- Reduced all things they relied on - Land, Wealth and Support
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Acts of Attainder
What was this?
- Used them to seize titles and possessions of nobles that he suspected of disloyalty
- It was a special law that meant an 'attained' family could lose the right to inherit its land and would face social and economic ruin
- It could be reversed though
- Henry passed 138 attainders and reversed 46
- This was more than Edward IV
CSL Davis
- Called it a 'cat and mouse policy'
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What was this?
- This granted special favours such as land and possessions to those who were loyal and supported Henry VII
- He was careful not to over distribute titles
- The nobility didn't really benefit from this
- Jasper Tudor became the Earl of Oxford due to military support
- Patronage had to be earned under Henry VII
- It was not an automatic privilege for the upper class
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What was this?
- These were groups of men used by the nobles to help maintain control and enforce law
- Could be lawless at local and national level (War of The Roses)
- Used as armed forces in order to defend and threaten anyone who threatened their master
- Edward IV had passed laws against retaining except for domestic servants and legal advisors but it was not strictly enforced
- Condemned retaining and passed laws in 1487 and 1504
- Recent historians believe that retaining under Henry VII was not eliminated because Henry VII needed it to support him
- Men could employ retainers for the king's service alone and have to get permission and a licence from the government
- henry was certainly a lot stricter and punished those that went against the law
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Financial Control
What were these?
- Henry used this if he had suspicions against a noble but could not prove treason
- Created written agreements whereby if a person offended the king was either forced to pay up front
- They also promised to pay a certain amount to ensure good behaviour
- Was a method of enforcing loyalty
- Sums ranged from £400 to £10,000 for a noble
How were they used?
- Used haphazardly by the other 15th century monarchs
- Henry used them as an integral part of his policy for controlling the nobility by threatening financial ruin to anyone that dare offend him
- Council Learned in Law was in control of the bonds
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Council of Learned in Law
What was this?
- Assumed control over all financial matters relating to the crown
- Members acted as investigators and judges in cases where there was suspicion that a nobleman was not paying correct dues to the king
- Sir Reginald Bray, Edmund Dudley and Richard Empson were in charge
- It was hated because it collected bonds
- It was the most important of all Henry's institutions of government because it was involved in the maintenance of law and order
- Dudley later admitted that he had lied in 80 cases and was executed under Henry VIII
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Prerogative Rights
How do they relate to Henry?
- It describes the rights of powers which the monarch could exercise without requiring the consent of parliament
- Thomas Penn (The Winter King) argued that the Council Learned in Law caused fear, frustration and anger as it bypassed the normal legal system
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How did he control Nobility?
Order of the Garter?
- An honour that was bestowed on the most important knights who became the most senior rank of knighthood
- Henry VII gave out 37 in his lifetime
- William Stanley receieved this and felt it was a poor reward as their was no financial gain
Why does Henry keep the nobility small?
- Easier to control like that
- Rarely elevated anyone to uppoer levels of society as it was a big rewards when he did
- Creation of peers was loss of money for Henry
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Trusting the Nobility
Why did Henry trust the Nobility?
- Henry recognised the importance of the nobles to control the provinces in the abscence of a standing army or an adequate police force
- He never attempted to interfere with their authority in the localities where they continued to dominate local government
- He gave over lordship to the more disturbed areas of his kingdom to show support and trust to people like Henry Percy who governed the north
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