Historical Background of Political Systems


Uncodified Constitution

A constitution where laws, rules and princlples are not gathered in a single document.

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Habeas Corpus

A process when a person can appeal against unfair or illegal imprisonment.

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Trail By Jury

When 12 members of the public hear evidence and decide if the accused is gulity.

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Trail By Ordeal

A medeival technique which involves putting the accused through an ordeal to determine gulit.

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Chancellor Of The Exchequer

The governement minster responsible for calculating, collecting and distrubuting governemnt funds.

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House Of Commons

The chamber where elected members of the UK parliament sit.

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House Of Lords

The second unelected, chamber of the UK parliament.

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Palace Of Westminster

Originally the royal palace attached to Westminster Hall, today it is the seat of the goverment and comprises Westminster Hall, House Of Commons and House Of Lords.

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The British legislative body that is made up of the House of Commons,the House of Lords and the monarchy.

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Westminster Hall

A large chamber where the early Norman kings would meet with the nobility.

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Acts Of Parliament

Laws that have been passed by parliament and have been given royal assent by the monarch.

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Codified Constitution

A single documnet that sets out the laws, rules and principles.

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The control of power and the ability to distrubite it and reclaim it in a politcal system.

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Declaration Of Rights

A statement of the rights of the subject which also declared that the monarch could not act without the consent of parliament.

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Privy Council

A group of senior politians/ advisors who had the job of advising the monarch on the use of royal perogative.

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The right to take a particaular course of action.

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The ability to do something or make something happen.

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A form of decsicion making which involves a wide range of institutions and relationships.

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The set of institutions that exercise authority and make rules of a political unit.


The activity or system of governing a political unit.

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The branch of government reponsible for implementation of policy.

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The branch of government responsible for passing laws.

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Westminster Model

A form of government exemplified by the British political system in which parliament is soverign, the executive and legislatuve branch are fused and political power is centralised.

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The branch of government responsible for interpreting the law and deciding upon legal disputes.

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Rule Of Law

 A principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are: Publicly promulgated. Equally enforced. Independently adjudicated.

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Civil Liberties

Fundamental human rights and freedoms that ought to be protected from interfrences or encroachment by the state.

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Elective Dictorship

Where there is excessive concentration of the executive branch of government.

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The rules, laws and principles which determine the institutions of the state, and the relationship between the state and its citizens.

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Rightfulness: a political system is legitimate when its pased on the consent of the people and actions follow from agreed laws and procedures.

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A general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.

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Constitutional Monarch

A system of government in which a monarch shares power with a constitutionally organized government.

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Fusion Of Powers

When the executive and legislative branches of goverment are intermingled.

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Head Of State

The chief public representative of a country.

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Separation Of Powers

The vesting of the legislative, executive and judiciary powers of government in separting bodies.

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Judicial Review

The process by which judges determine whether public officals or public bodies have acted in a manner that is unlawful.

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Quasi-federal State

A sysytem in which the central government of a unitary state devolves some of its powers to subnational governemnts.

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The transfer of some policy-making powers from the centre to sub-national institutions.

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Multilevel Governance

A system of decision making in which policy making competences are shared between local, regional and national institutions.

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Party System

The set of political parties in a political system and the relationship between them.

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Unitary State

A homogeneous state in which power is concentrated at the political centre and all parts of the state are governed in the same way.

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