
  • Created by: lsoavi
  • Created on: 24-01-17 12:28

The political impact of ww1 on Germany.

August 1914, all previous political disputes were swept aside in a following wave of patriotic fervour in the alliance of parties, (SPD included), joined forces in order to pledge support in favour of the German war effort. In addition to this, the trade unions promised not to disrupt wartime production with the use of strikes, in order to maintain some balance in the economy. This truce is called the Burgfriede, which helped sway the Reichstag to vote on grant war credits, which effectively empowered the Bundersrat to place the economy first on war footing, the Reichstag was later adjourned until December when it reassembled again to grant a second round of war credits.

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The first world war II

After the German's plan on using the Shlieffen plan in August 1914 failed, the Germans were forced to fight on two fronts, against both the British and the French in the west, followed by the Russians in the east. The Germans were found to be more successful in the east. However, in April 1917, American joined forces with its allies, though in October the Russians dropped out when the Bolsheviks came into power. The war lasted up until 1918 when the Germans finally admitted defeat and surrended. 

As the war progressed in 1915, Pan-German propaganda encouraged support for the 'Seigfriede'. In 1916, the chancellor managed to pursuade Kaiser Wilhelm II to call a reform on the Prussian consitution, though it remained insufficient and futile in its attempts to prevent the breakdown of the Burgfrieden

In August 1916, Germany witnessed a political turning point when the Kaiser appointed two competing commanders - both equally as inexperienced as the other when it came to politics - the right to military dictatorship. Paul Von Hindenburg - army chief of staff, Erich Von Ludendorff - his deputy. It's suggested by many Historians that this was the Kaisers way of abdicating the responsibility of the Prussian consitution and the war efforts from his shoulders and onto someone else

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Seigfriede, means 'the blessed peace of victory,' which the Germans believed to be the glory that would come once the war was finally over.

Burgfrieden, a truce between parties in a fervert interest regarding the war, and a committment pledged to support the German war effort. 

"The Schlieffen Plan  was the operational plan for a designated attack on France once Russia, in response to international tension, had started to mobilise her forces near the German border. The execution of the Schlieffen plan led to Britain declaring war on Germany on August 4th, 1914."

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The complete political breakdown by 1918

The complete political breakdown by 1918 was a result of the following:

Increasing popular strikes, disturbances and protests in favour of peace. The calls for a reform of the German consitution and the lander, which escalated even more so after the 'Turnip Winter' of 1916-1917 and the Russian Revolutions of '17. 

A split in the SDP in April 1917 meant, where upon a minority broke away and formed the (USPD) Independent Social Democratic Party whose committment was to end the war. 

Turnip Winter, came about when potato crop in Germany failed and people were reduced to living on animal fodder - Turnips. 

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