Why did Japan want it? Japan was suffering because of the Wall Street Crash and had an increasing population as well as poverty. Everyone wanted a sure market for Japanese good and space, which Manchuria would provide.
How did this lead to the crisis? Japan said there was an explosion at the Mukdem railway station. This lead to them going into Manchuria to 'restore order' as they said it was Chinene sabotage.
Who won?Japan quickly the Chinene.
What did the league do? The league set up the Lytton Commition which issued it's report one year later. It started that Manchuria should be an independent state as the Chinene had a chaotic rule over Manchuria but the Japanese invasion was condemned.Japan decided to leave the league in 1933 by which time it had taken over the whole of Manchuria.
What were the effects of the Manchurian Crisis? It showed the league was weak as moral condemnation didn't have and effects. Also many countries were suffering with the economic depression and they didn't want international problems and they didn't want to distrupt trades. The nearest country to Japan was the USSRbut it wasn't in the league, and the other countries didn't want to travel to the other side of the world , they also didn't want to risk their armies.
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