History Flash cards These cards contain historical periods, important dates and keywords 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? HistoryGCSEAll boards Created by: BushraCreated on: 14-02-12 17:26 Historical Periods 1) Ancient Greece 2) The Roman Empire 3) The Medieval period 4) The Renaissance 5) The Enlightenment 6) The Industrial Revolution 1 of 5 Important Dates 1 1215AD- The Magna Carta is signed by King John 1492AD- Columbus arrives in the Americas (note that it wasn't called USA at the time) 1517AD- Martin Luther nails up his 95 theses 1649AD- King Charles I is executed 2 of 5 Important dates 2 1689AD- The Bill of Rights limits the power of the monarchy in England 1776AD- The American War of Independence 1789AD- The French Revolution 3 of 5 Important dates 3 1805AD- The Battle of Trafalgar confirms Britain's naval supremacy 1815AD- Napoleon is finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo 1914AD- The First World War begins 4 of 5 Keywords AD- Anno Domini BC- Before Christ Cause- Something that leads to an event; Consequence- Something that is caused by an event; Context- The background of an historical period 5 of 5
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