1923/1924 - New Government took over whilst Hitler was in prison. They replaced the worthless marks with 'the rentmark' and they also called off the passive resistance.
This was significant because this mean that France agreed to leave the Ruhr and Germany were now out of inflation.
As Germany began to recover from 'the great depression' more people stopped supporting Extremist parties such as The Nazi's, and started supporting the Goverment.
Stressmen, Germany's foriegn minister was an influential man.
In 1924, he persuaded Britain, France and the USA to reduce repearation payments. He also set up 'The Dawes plan'
'The Dawes plan' agreed to the idea that Germany could pay as much as they could in reperations each year.
The USA gave Germany a loan of 800 million marks to start them off.
Stressmen also then signed the Locarno treaties in 1935, which meant that Germany agreed never to attack France or Belgium.
This improved Germany's reputation, and were allowed to join the League of nations.
Joining the league of nations, increased the support from other countries, and strenghtend allies.
In 1929, 'The Young Plan' was put forward, which reduced the amount of Germanys reperations even more.
Because Germany were no longer suffering from inflations, other foriegn banks began lending out money to Germans again. Mainly American banks,
Throughout the Golden twenties 3 million new homes were made, new roads and railways built.
Germany was slowly becoming known as the most properous and modern country outside the USA.
In 1929 there was a Wall Street Crash in New York, America which mean American demanded all their money back from Germany and Germany fell into a large hole filled with unemployment and deep economic depression.
(Government became unpopular. Not only giving people bad standards but giving people GOOD standards and then taking it away from them)
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