Nicholas II - regarded as 'soft, weak' not a strong ruler. Was governed by Pobdonostsev, was poor in political affairs, had little interest for the governing of Russia.
The 'Great Spurt' under Witte 1892 - 1903. Witte - Finance Minister to Nicholas II
Most associated to rapid industrialisatin of Russia in 1890's. Wanted to create Russia as a Great Power, like other western countries like Britain and France.
Emphasis was put on the production of capital goods like coal, steel, iron and oil.
Had investments from abroad (France, Belgium and Britian) along with extra taxes.
By 1903 Trans-Siberian Railway complete, needed for transport to help industrialise.
By 1900 over half industrial force was employed in factories, more then a 1,000 workers. Cities were growing rapidly. Allowed Russia to devolop it's military power, and exploit Siberian natural resources.
However poor living and working conditions created due to fast growth in cities. Leading towards the 1905 revolution when workers in St Petersburg striked over conditions.
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