

How was Hitler able to become chancellor?

1. Long-standing anger at the Treaty of Versailles.

2. Weakness of the Weimar Republic - Hindenburg rules under Article 48.

3. The Depression created unemployment and despair.

4. Nazi organisation and propaganda.

5. Support of rich industrialists who feared Communism.

6. The SA beat up opponents.

7. Nazi promises led to electoral success.

8. Hidenburg and Von Paper offered Hitler the position of Chancellor.

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How was Hitler able to create a dictatorship?

1. The Reichstag Fire gave Hitler the opportunity to pass the Law for Protection of State. 

2. General Election of March 1933 gave Hitler majority in the Reichstag.

3. Enabling Act of 23 March 1933 gave Hitler the power to make his own laws.

4. Law against the Formation of New Parties made Germany a one party state.

5. Banned trade unions and filled courts and civil service with Nazis.

6. Night of the Long Knives destroyed the power of the SA.

7. With the death of Hidenburg, Hitler proclaimed himself Fruher; the army swore loyalty to him.

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Were the Nazi economic policies successful?


1. Unemployment ended.

2. Autobahns - road transport system.

3. Motivated work forces.

4. New inventions (rubber).


1. Full employment achieved by re-armament and persecution of Jews.

2. Repression of trade unions.

3. Self sufficiency not achieved. 

4. Public works spending brought economy to brink of collapse.

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Did the German people benefit from Nazi rule?


1. Full employment.

2. Public buildings.

3. Hitler Youth.

4. Law and order.

5. Pride and hope.


1. Loss of personal and political freedom.

2. Fears of ** and Gestapo.

3. Propaganda and indoctrination.

4. Control of workers, culture.

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