Homer- The Odyssey
- Created by: oliviaaaxxx
- Created on: 19-02-14 17:26
Book 5
Athene describes Odysseus's misfortunes to the assembly
- All his people have forgotten him
- He is being kept captive on Calypso's island
- He has no boat or crew to get him home
- His son has gone to search for news of him and will be killed on his way home
Epithets are used a lot in this book:
- The gatherer of clouds ( Zeus)
- The giant killer ( Hermes)
- The nymph of the plaited tresses ( Calypso)
- The long enduring Odysseus ( well Odysseus)
Book 5 #2
Zeus prophesies about Odysseus's journey home:
- Will have to make a raft by himself
- On the 20th day traveling will reach Scherie
- The people will take him to their hearts - treat him like a god
- They will take him home giving him bronze, gold and woven materials
- He will then go home and see his friends and family ( how sweet)
Hermes has 2 possessions:
- Sandals made of gold
- Wand
Hermes is compared to:
- A seagull being drenched by seaspray as it dives for a fish
Book 5 #3
Calypso's home
- Copse of alders and fragrant cypresses
- Grape vines
- Calypso singing
- Shouting and crying
- Polished chair
Book 5 #4
- Burning logs of juniper and cedar
- Fragrant cypresses
- Red nectar
- Ambrosia
When hermes arrives, Odysseus is sitting:
- On the shore 'in his accustomed place' looking into the distance crying
Calypso shows good Xenia to hermes by:
- Sitting him on a polished chair, asking him why he is there and providing food and drink
Book 5 #5
Hermes message goes like this:
- Zeus sent him to announce that Calypso has with her a man, more unfortunate than any of those who fought in Troy
- These men had offended athene as they left troy for their homes
- She sent a violent game and heavy seas against them
- All of Odysseus's companions have been lost
- Zeus orders her to send him away from her island as he is destined to return home once more...
Calypso promises to:
- Give Odysseus directions to lead him home safely
She cannot:
- Provoke zeus, give him a crew or make his task much easier
Book 5 #6
Calypso gives Odysseus:
- A great axe of bronze
- An adze of polished metal
- Boring-tools
- The cloth to make a sail
- Dark wine ( or red wine to you and me)
- Water
- Grain
- Meats
- Best trees
- Clothes and a bath
- A following wind
- Direction
- And bread
Book 5 #7
Odysseus's change of fortune..
- Odysseus leaves Calypso's island and travels well for 17 days
- Poseidon creates a giant storm just as Odysseus can see the Phaecian's country
- The goddess Ino takes pity on him and gives him a veil which will protect him from death and injury
- Odysseus thinks he won't use it but then a wave overthrows him and he strips off and uses the veil
- He begins to swim driven by the heavy seas
- On the 3rd day, the wind drops and Odysseus sees land!
- When he gets there he realises there are no coves or harbours, just sharp rocks jutting out
- While thinking what to do, a wave sends him crashing forward
- Athens saves him by putting the idea in his head to grab onto one of the rocks
- He gets flung out to see.. Again
- Athene gives him the idea to go to a rives mouth
- The god of the river stills the water and Odysseus can swim to land
- He lies in the woods under a shelter of 2 olive branches and a blanket of leaves
Book 6
The Phaeacians
- Used to live in Hypereie
- They were the neighbour of the Cyclopes
- They used to ravage the Phaeacians' land, so Nausithous moved them to Scherie
- He built a new city, which Alcinous now ruled
- His daughters name is Nausicaa
Nausicaa's dream
- Athene, disguised as Nausicaa's friend Dymas, suggests that Nausicaa goes and washes her clothes
What happened at the beach?
- Nausicaa and co. wash the clothes
- They bathe and rub olive oil on themselves
Book 6 #2
- They eat their meal
- They wait for the sun to dry their clothes
- The friends play with a ball while Nausicaa sings a song
Nausicaa is compared to...
- Artimis the archeress
Odysseus is compared to...
- A mountain lion
Odysseus compliments Nausicaa by:
- Confusing/comparing her to a goddess
- Telling her she is blessed and her future husband will be blessed
- By saying that she must be a dancer and that he has never seen anything as beautiful as her
- Informing her that she reminds him of a palm tree... Alright then....
Book 6 #3
Odysseus tries to win sympathy by:
- Telling Nausicaa his story
- Saying things like 'pity me'
- Saying that the gods have trouble in store for him
He finally tries to convince her by:
- Behaving humbly
- Only asking for little things
- Saying that she deserves everything she wants
Its important for Odysseus to appear civilised as:
- He knows Nausicaa will help him more if he appears civilised than if he ran to her
Book 6 #4
Before Odysseus's makeover, he looks gruesome with:
- A salt crusted back
- ( I can't read my own writing at this point) 'Scurf' on his hair (?)
After he washed himself:
- 'He looks like the gods who live in heaven'
- (The) locks to hang from his head, as thick as the petals of a hyacinth in bloom
Nausicaa's reaction to the new Odysseus:
- She admires him
- At first she found him repulsive but now she wants to marry him
Book 6 #5
Nausicaa's instructions:
- Through the country between the beach and the city
Odysseus should walk quickly with the maids behind the wagon, following Nausicaa
- Once they have reached the city
He should go to the poplar grave of Athene and wait until Nausicaa and co. get to the city
- After a short wait
Go to the city and ask for directions to the palace
- Once he reaches the palace
Go inside and ask Nausicaa's mum (grasp her knees) and beg for help
Book 6 #6
When Odysseus sits in Athene's grave, he prays to her. However, she doesn't appear before her favourite but why?
- Because Poseidon is still angry
- She doesn't appear put of respect for him
Book 7
- While Odysseus waits in Athene's grave, Nausicaa and her maids reach the palace of Alcinous
- To help Odysseus reach the palace, Athene, disguised as a young girl directs him
- She also gives him some info about Arete and Alcinous, the king and queen of Phaecia
Arete is an unusual woman as:
- She settles men's disputes
- She is wise ( not saying that women can't be wise, but at the time this was unusual)
- She is a descendant of Poseidon
- She is honoured above all women
The palace!!
- Bronze walls with dark blue enamel
- Silver and gold guard dogs
- Gold statues of youths holding torches
Book 7 #2
- Golden doors, silver posts and lintel
- Golden door handles
- Tall chairs and high roofs
- 50 maids, all with different skills
- Vineyard
- 2 springs, 4 acres of orchard
- Vegetable beds
The Xenia of the Phaeacians
- Odysseus walks up to the kings and queen and grasps the queens knees
BAD XENIA supposed to wait for invitation
- Asks for help to return home
BAD XENIA should wait till after meal
Book 7 #3
- Odysseus sits in front of the hearth
BAD XENIA host should offer chair
- A phaeacian elder tells Alcinous to seat Odysseus properly and provide food aend drink
GOOD XENIA but should need reminding
- Alcinous sits Odysseus and orders food and drink to be brought
- Alcinous sends the other Phaeacians home and they agree to help Odysseus home
- Arete asks for his name and story
GOOD XENIA but should wait till after the meal
Book 7 #4
Odysseus spends:
- 7 years ( on Ogygia with Calypso)
- 17 days ( on a raft sailing to Scherie)
- 1 day ( in a storm sent by Poseidon)
- 1 night ( in the Forest)
- The following morning ( sees/hears Nausicaa by the river)
Alcinous makes a promise:
- Tomorrow, Odysseus will leave
- The rowers will take him on their ships to his homeland
Book 9
Before we meet the cyclops, we meet the Cicones, who killed 72 of Odysseus' men and the Lotus-eaters who have their magical lotus fruit
The character of the Cyclopes
- Isolated- no neighbors
- Fierce, aggressive and lawless
- Don't have any merchants or craftsmen
The agriculture of the Cyclopes
- Never plant or plough fields
- Crops, however, spring up with the rain sent by gods
- Lots of goats
Book 9 #2
The laws of the Cyclopes
- Don't have assemblies for making laws
- Each man makes his own laws for his family
- Nobody cares what others laws are
The community of the Cyclopes
- Have no interest in others or neighbors
- Have no big gatherings so don't know who others are
Technology of the Cyclopes
- No boats or ploughs (nothing)
Does Polyphemus behave like this?
- Made baskets, vessels, cheeses and owns sheep. Strong and aggressive. Cares for the sheep. Complimentary about the wine.
Book 9 #3
- Polyphemus asks Odysseus and his men who they are and where they come from. He asks weather they are pirates or cruising the main on chance
- Odysseus replies that they are Achaeans. He asks Polyphemus to show them hospitality and reminds him that Zeus is the champion of suppliants and guests
- Polyphemus replies that the Cyclopes don't fear the gods as they are much stronger than they are
- He asks Odysseus where his ship is moored
- Odysseus replies that his ship was wrecked by poseidon. He lies because he knows that Polyphemus was trying to outwit them.
Odysseus' escape plan
- A staff of green olive wood
To sharpen and heat
To twist in the cyclops' eye
Book 9 #4
- Drawing lots
To make all his men equal
So he doesn't have to choose who will spear the cyclops in the eye
- Wine
To make sure abstinence could have no charms
To make him drunk
To make him go asleep
- Polyphemus' single eye
So he won't die from being blinded
So he will be completely blind
Book 9 #5
- Nobody
To fool the cyclops ( eat nobody last)
Other cyclops won't help if nobody hurt him
So he won't know Odysseus blinded him
- Sheep
Could hide between them and under them
Polyphemus only feels the top of the sheep
Sacrifice to the gods
Book 9 #6
- Odysseus taunts Polyphemus- 'a puny, feeble, good-for-nothing Fuddles'
- Polyphemus asks his father Poseidon to make sure Odysseus suffers on his return
- The curse means Odysseus will get home, but he will:
- come late in wretched plight
- be in a foreign ship
- find trouble in his home
Book 10
When they arrived at Circe's island, Odysseus:
- Took a spear and sword when leaving the ship
- Climbed a rocky height to see any other lands
- Doesn't go straight to the other lands, waits
- Kills a stag for food and offering to the gods
- Calms his men when they cry
- Splits his men in half to increase the chance of survival
Odysseus raises the spirits of his men by:
- Bringing the stag
Doesn't raise spirits by:
- Telling them they are lost
- Telling them about the smoke- men have died where there has been smoke
Book 10 #2
How does Homer make Odysseus appear heroic?
- When he knows the events, he grabs his weapons and asks to be lead to Circe
- Says he has no choice but to save his men
- Lets Eurylochus stay with his other men
Hermes instructions to Odysseus
- Take the moley drug
- Get out his sword and rush at Circe as if to kill her
- Make Circe swear an oath that she won't hurt him
- Sleep with her.. Which seems to be the solution to most things at this time
How does Odysseus deal with Circe?
- He takes the drug and goes to kill her
- He takes compassion on her when she begs him not to kill her
- He could have asked her to change the men back
Book 10 #3
Odysseus' main concerns
- His men are still pigs, get changed back
- What to do with the rest of the crew, get ship onto land
- The happiness of Eurylochus, Odysseus calms down, eurylochus comes along
- To persuade the men to go back to Ithaca
Odysseus breaks the news that he's leaving
- He blames his men for their departure
- Circe says he doesn't have to stay if he doesn't want to
Circe's instructions
- Go to the underworld
- Meet Teiresias
- Sail across the river of ( can't read my writing) Ocean
Book 10 #4
- Reach the grove of Persephone
- Dig a trench and pour into it offerings to the dead
- He should then sacrifice a ram and a black yew
- The spirits of the dead will appear but he mist not let them feel till he speaks to teiresias
- He will give him further instructions about his return to Ithaca
Before he leaves the island:
- Elpenor gets drunk and falls off the roof of Circe's house
When the men hear their next destination
- They weep and rip out their hair
Book 12
Odysseus returns to Circe's island
- To collect and burn Elpenors body/ to give him a proper burial
Circe offers Odysseus and co.
- Bread, meat and wine
- Directions
- A place to stay for the high
- The safest routes for their journey
- A following wind for their departure
Circe's instructions- The sirens
- Crew must bung ears with beeswax, Odysseus tied to the mast
- The crew must tie Odysseus tighter to the mast if he begs for relase
Book 12 #2
Circe's instructions, the wandering rocks
- Don't go that way
- Only Jason on the argo got through
Circe's instructions, Scylla and Charybdis
- Sail close to Scylla as Charybdis is a whirlpool
- If they go to Charybdis all will die
- They shouldn't try to fight, 6 crew members will die
Circe's instructions, thrinacie
- Don't touch the cows or the sheep
- They belong to the sun god
Book 12 #3
Scylla and Charybdis
Odysseus tells his men to:
- Stay away from the foaming surf - rough sea
- Stay towards the rocks
- Doesn't mention that 6 men will die
- Doesn't tell them the Scylla is there
Charybdis' Whirlpool
- Sucks sea water in
- Vomits it back up, you can see the sea floor
Book 12 #4
The sun gods cattle
- Remembering the advice of Circe and of Teiresias, Odysseus tells his men to keep clear of the island of the sun god- Hyperion
- Eurylochus is critical of the plan and convinces the men that it would be better to rest on the island
- Odysseus gives in, but warns his men not to kill the cows and sheep
- They must only eat the food given to them by Circe
- The men agreed and swear an oath before bringing in their ship and eating and drinking
- They then begin to think about the 6 who have been taken by Scylla
Odysseus and his men remain on the island for 1 month and 6 days
- They can't leave as they have no following wind
- He warns the men to not touch the sheep and cows
- Unfortunately, Odysseus goes to an island to be far away from everyone to pray for help and then falls asleep
Book 12 #5
Eurylochus makes a speech to the men:
- Any death is bad but starvation is the worst
- Let's kill the sheep andncows
- To make it all seem better, when we get home we will build a big temple for the sun god and fill it with nice things
- If he's angry and the gods agree we should die, I'd rather die shipwrecked than starved.
Lampetie (a nymph) tells Hyperion about the slaughtered cattle
- Hyperion says that he will shine in the underworld instead of the earth.
- Zeus tells him that he will punish them himself by hitting the boat with a lightning bolt, smashing it up
- Odysseus knows about this conversation as Calypso told him and Hermes told her
Book 12 #6
Odysseus and his crew see:
- The dead cows starting to moo and move
They leave the island after:
- 6 days leave on the 7th