Houses of Pompeii and Herculaneum
4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: Crowley'sImpala67
- Created on: 17-12-16 16:05
House of the Vetti
- Owned by two wealthy brothers
- Merchants
- no shops in front of house
- Two atriums
- A peristyle Garden
- no tablinum (study)
- Main rooms around main atrium
- Had a second floor
- Entrance hall, priapus weighing his phallus
- Compuluvium, impluvium
- Strongboxes found
- Lararium
- frescoes - scenes from mythology - Hercules killing a serpent
- Triclinium had a long frieze - cupids - making perfume, preparing flowers, selling wine
- Had a water fountain
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House of the Faun
- Owned by aristocrat
- Occupied whole insula (3000 m^2)
- Had shops at the front
- Two atriums - One Tuscan (public), one tetrastyle (private)
- Set of baths
- Stables
- Kitchen
- Two gardens
- Impuluvium in Tuscan atrium has a bronze statuette of a dancing faun
- Outside (have) - greeting
- two larariums
- entrance had two false pillars
- Atriums had first style fresco to show ancient legacy
- Peristyle garden had 28 Ionic columns + fountain
- Mosaic of Alexander the Great
- Four triclina (one for each season of the year)
- Second Peristyle garden - Double colonnade 44 Doric dolums
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Villa of Mysteries
- Outside was outside of Pompeii
- dedicated to agriculture (pressing wine and oil)
- All utility rooms were situated around the peristyle
- Semi-circular verandah
- Frescoes in triclinium depict the iniatiation process into the cult of Bacchus
- Built on slope - cryptoporticus
- Covered balcony running along one side of villa
- Entrance did not lead to atrium - led to peristyle garden
- Torcularium - where grapes were pressed - make wine
- Suite of baths heated by large oven
- Small tetrastyle atrium
- Main atrium - Tuscan atrium
- Tabliunum (shutters - fiorelli's process)
- Cubicle - Second Style with columns
- Tablinum is decorated in the third style (Egyptian)
- Triclinium - Wall paintings - showing sex cult. (Whipping+lyre-playing)
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House of Caecilius
- Built using limestone - tufa
- Apotropaic relief in lararium - showing earlier earthquake at the forum
- Tablinum has a cast of Caecilius Iucundus
- and 154 wax tablets
- Third style frescoes - naked woman
- peristyle garden
- Atrium
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House of Menander
- 1800m^2
- Poppaei family - Emperor Nero's second wife
- Peristyle garden - focal point
- Baths, reception rooms
- Tuscan atrium has a marble impluvium - fourth style
- Lararium in the style of a miniature temple
- Paintings on trojan war - Laocoon + the snake
- Floor mosaic shows Nile
- Shows greek playwright Menander, and Euripides
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House of the Tragic Poet
- Not very big
- Many mosaics and frescoes
- Two shops in front
- Vestibule floor - mosaic - Dog (CAVE CANEM) - 'Beware of the dog'
- Atrium - compluvium, impluvium
- Tablinum
- 4 bed rooms, and an ala (service area for a dining room)
- Peristyle garden
- Lararium
- Not much know aboout layout
- Tablinum ( mosaic of actors preparing for a satyr play.) Playing the flute. Box of masks.
- Imaginary garden scene, fresco showing the Scarifice of Iphigenia
- Atrium - large scale, mythological fresoces, four feet square.
- Trojan War related ( Zeus and Hera, Aphrodite, Achilles and Briseis, Helen and Paris.)
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House of Neptune and Amphitrite (Herculaneum)
- Small (227m^2)
- Owner was wealthy
- Many of the paintings and mosaics damaged/missing, raided
- Entrance -> atrium + lararium
- Tablinum
- Two tricliniums (summer and winter)
- Triclinium was the largest room of the house
- No garden but summer triclinium
- Mosaic of Neptune and Amphitrite - Glass paste mosaic, border of shells (shipping buisness)
- Nymphaeum (shrine to the nymphs) - glass paste, shells and mother-of-pearl, with marble masks
- Hunt scenes and garlands
- Upper room had bronze bed and marble table, decorated in 4th style
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House of the Wooden Partition (Herculaneum)
- Third Style Frescoes
- Peristyle Garden
- Tuscan Atrium (marble table by impluvium)
- Tablinum
- Triclinium
- Cubiculum
- Workshops
- Wooden partition stands between atrium and tablinum
- A wooden bed found in a room around the atrium
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Villa of Diomedes (Pompeii)
- Large peristyle
- Private Bath
- tablinum
- Sunken Garden
- Cryptoporticus - wine cellar
- Monumental pool
- Open air Triclinium
- Belonged to Arrius Diomedes (whose tomb is opposite)
- Modern scholars say no connection
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- Small
- Simple
- Upper shop story apartment
- No running water
- No cooking facilities
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