How did the Cold War begin? The build up to the events of 1947
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- Created by: jessica7
- Created on: 27-04-20 16:02
Feb 1945 - Yalta Conference
- Agreed that Germany would be divided into 4 zones of occupation, one American, one British, one French and one Soviet
- Berlin (Soviet zone) would similarly be divided into 4 zones
- Stalin promised at Yalta to hold free elections in post war Poland signing the Declaration of Liberated Europe. However, elections were not free & communism was imposed. The Soviet Union's new western border also remained in place
Impact or significance
- Roosevelt started to doubt the possibility of geniuine post war cooperation
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12 Apr 1945 - Death of Roosevelt
- Succeeded by Harry Truman, his VP
- Before Roosevelt died, Truman said "We can't do business with Stalin, he has broken every one of the promises he made at Yalta."
Impact or significance
- Truman becomes even more frustrated with Stalin
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May 1945 - US protests to Tito
- Protesting about the movement of his troops into Trieste from Yugoslavia. Tito withdraws troops
Impact or significance
- US are fearful of the communist controlled Yugoslavia and fear the spread of communsim into Greece
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June 1945 - The US recognises the new Polish state
- The US cannot do anything about Stalin's broken promises
Impact or significance
- An atmosphere of mistrust is established. In Washington, policy makers start to fear Soviet intentions
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16 July 1945
- The atomic bomb was successfully exploded in the desert in New Mexico
- Truman announced to Stalin at the Potsdam meeting an atomic bomb had been successfully detonated
- The bomb cost $2billion to develop
Impact or significance
- Stalin pretended to be unconcerned but was deeply worried about the shift in the balance of world power and authorised an accelerated weapons development programme in the USSR
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17 July 1945 - Potsdam Conference
- At Potsdam it was agreed that each occupying power would take reparations from its own zone.
- It was also agreed that the USSR would be given additional reparations from the other zones.
- It was also agreed that goods would move freely between all the zones, treating them as a single economic area.
- Truman didn't tell Stalin about the plans to drop atomic bombs on Japan - the first bomb therefore denies the USSR a place at any negotiations over Japan's future.
Impact or significance
- However, the Soviets treated their zone as a spearate economic entity and even removed German factories from it and rebuilt them in the USSR.
- The Soviets also complained they were receiving insufficient reparations from the other zones & so in turn refused to allow movement of goods from their zone.
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6 & 9 August 1945 - Atomic bombs dropped
- Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by the USA
Impact or significance
- Japan surrenders
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4 Aug 1945
- Stalin intervenes in the Chinese civil war.
- Shows support for Chinese communists in Manchuria recognising them as the legitimate government of China.
Impact or significance
- US responds in September 1945 by sending 50,000 US marines to support the Chinese nationalists
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Dec 1945
- Soviet troops remain in Iran post WW2
- They were reminded of the agreed date for withdrawal which was 1st March 1946
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22 Feb 1946 - Kennan's Long Telegram
- George Kennan was an official in the US embassy in Moscow
- He sent a telegram to the US state department offering a historical explanation for USSR foreign policy
- He suggested the Soviets were inspired by Marxian theory of capitalist states being taken over by communist states
- He suggested the USSR was irrevocably expansionist and hostile to the West
- The US must resist
Impact or significance
- His ideas that the USSR was aggressive & inspired by communist ideology appealed enormously to Truman
- It prompted him to create a tougher policy towards the USSR. A get tough policy. This later becomes containment
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5 March 1946 - Churchill gave a speech
- In Fulton, Missouri
- He said an Iron Curtain had descended across Europe
- In 1946, opinion polls showed only 35% of the American public thought the Soviets could be trusted. In 1945, the figure had been 55%
Impact or significance
- Churchill's speech helped to harden public opinion in the US
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March 1946
- The US get the UN to tell Stalin he has missed the deadline for troop removal from Iran
- In March 1946, USSR troops were only 40 miles from Tehran & had not observed the 1st March deadline
Impact or significance
- Stalin is cross that the US went to the UN but does withdraw his troops
- The US helps Iranian troops to establish a grip in its northern provinces
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June 1946 - The Baruch Plan is presented to the UN
- The plan laid down proposals for the control of atomic weapons throigh inspections in UN member states
Impact or significance
- US refuses to destroy its existing atomic weapon stock pile until the USSR submit to inspections of its atomic weapons facilities
- The USSR argues the opposite.
- Increase in tension
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June 1946
- The US attaches more stringent conditions to their loans to the USSR
- E.g. the Soviets must drop trade barriers in Eastern Europe
- Known as dollar diplomacy
Impact or significance
- In June 1946, all loan negotiations cease as the USSR was not interested in US loans on such terms
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Feb 1947
- Britain announces it is withdrawing its troops from Greece
- Truman paid for British troops to remain in Greece propping up a royalist government against the communists
Impact or significance
- Greece did not become communist
- Truman is effectively practising containment
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