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- Created by: eliesharai
- Created on: 23-11-18 18:08
Parliament under Henry VII
PARLIAMENT ORGANISATION - 2 chambers, unelected House of Lords and elected House of Commons, 2 MPs represent each county, voting = property with income of 40 shillings a year
- Forced to call parliament periodically - needed grants of taxation for wars
- Summoned 7 times
- Granted requested money without argument until 1504 - forced to accept smaller sum than asked for (Commons)
- 1st parliamnt held after Battle of Bosworth - acknowledged claim to be king and passed series of Acts of Attainder to convict enemies
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Parliament under Henry VIII before 1503-1529
- Grant taxation for wars, met 4 times
- By1517, initial gains made in wars against France and Scotlans had been lost - parliament less keen to give him money, feared rebellion
- 1525 - led to Wolsey meeting opposition from Commons - £288,814 in taxation, £260,000 in unpaid loans, Wolsey met with silence
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Tudor Church before 1529
- Roman Catholic Church - highly powerul
- Head = Pope, power to appoint senior Churchmen, decisions based on monarchs wishes
- Baptisms, Confirmations, marriages and funerals held here
- Church fetials e.g. saint days such as Easter
- Alms - charity for the poor, sick and elderly
- Taught Heaven, Hell and Purgatory - help souls by good works and confessing sins
- Mass - important service, celebration of Last Supper (bread and wine into body and blood)
- Main source of education and learning
- Services and Bible in Latin
- Offered boys a chance to rise high in society eg. Thomas Wolsey became Henry VIII's chief minister and Chancellor
- Anticlericalism = clergymen had multiple posts, little contact with people they were supposed to serve
- Wealthy and powerful - critised for corruption and exploitation of people's fears - sale of indulgences
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Relations between Church and State before 1529
- Harmonious, other times rivals
- Church challenging monarchy, appointment of senior churchmen and Church's rights over sanctuary and benefit of Clergy (BoC)
- Tension = ability of papacy, intervene with Church affairs
- Henry VII - needed Church's support, upheld traditional privileges of Church
- Passed laws tightening control over who could claim BoC
- Good relationship with papacy - able to ensure appointment of own candidate, John Morton as Archbishop of Canterbury
- Anticlericalism existed, anticlerical feeling expressed by Hunne Affair, rich London merchant accused of heresy - found dead in Bishop of London's prison - rumoured to have been murdered
- Henry VIII's reign = loyal Catholic, book = The Defence of the 7 Sacraments, support of Catholic teachings
- Thomas Wolsey = bishoprics of Durham, Bath and Wells and Tournal, Archbishop of York, 1515 = Cardinal
- Church lost some independence 1524 and 1529 = 30 monasteries closed, used money to found a school in Ipswich and an Oxford College in his name
- Loyalties increasingly divided, Henry wanted an annulment, Wolsey fell from power (1529)
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Act of Supremacy (1534)
- 1527 = wanted an annulment from Catherine of Aragon, fell in love with Anne Boleyn
- Pope Clement VII under control of Holy Roman Emperor (Catherine's nephew Charles), denied
- Thomas Cromwell - used parliament to break from papal cntrol and placed Henry at head of English Church, allowed Henry to announce marriage no longer void
- 1529 = Parliament called, Act of Conditional Restraint of Annates, temporary stop to payments to Rome
- 1532 = submission of the clergy
- 1533 = Anne pregnant, Henry desperate to marry her, Cromwell persuaded parliament = Act in Restraint of Appeals, no legal appeals sent to Rome, created Statute Law
- 1534 = declared 1st marriage invalid and 2nd valid, heirs to throne were their children
- Used Act of Parliament to give supremacy authority of statute law, disobeyed = punished under law
- New Treason Ac = redfined as speaking against king and supremacy
- increased parliaments power - Mary I wanted return to Rome = had to call parliament
- All religioud houses forced to take an oath
- BoC and sanctuary abolished
- 1535 = appointed Cromwell as Vicegerent in Spirituals
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Church-State relations 1534-58
- 1536-1539 - dissolution of monasteries, move to Protestantism under Edward VI, Cromwell in charge = commissioners sent to investigate moral, spiritual and financial state of monasteries, Act of Parliament passed to dissolve them with income less than £200 per annum
- Led to Pilgrimage of Grace
- Last dissolved in 1540 - land and estates to Crown
- Henry VIII = £1.3 million, sold land off to members of nobility and gentry e.g. Cecil and Spencer families
- Cromwell = wanted to promote doctrinal change - Act of 10 Articles (1536), mostly in line with Catholic belief, Article of Eucharist ambigious, no of sacrament decreased from 7 to 3
- Cromwell issued 2 set of Injunctions to English Clergy - discouraged practices seen as superstitious
- 1539- Act of 6 Articles - reinforced Catholic doctrines
- 1543- King's Book published, emphasised traditional practices e.g. mass
- 1549 = Act of Uniformity introduced Thomas Cramner's new Book of Common Prayer - compulsory in all Church services
- 1552 - more Protestant version of BoCP released
- Mary I attempted to reverse changes - Catholicism
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Act of Supremacy (1559)
- Uniformity bill = restoration of supremacy not affected, reimposed 1552 Prayer Book, added 2 sentences to Communion fr 1549 Prayer Book, interpreted to suit both C and P
- Supremacy bill = Elizabeth "Supreme Governer" - accepted by including oath of loyalty, penalty for refusing = out of office
- Passed with votes 21 to 18, absence of Catholic Bishops and Abbot of Westminister
- Enforced settlement with Oath of Supremacy - only Bishop of Llandaff refused
- Power over Church increased, appointed Protestant sympathisers e.g. Matthew Parker as Archbishop of Canterbury
- Initial acceptance of settlement, 300/8000 refused oath, became basis for Elizabethan Church of England
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Elizabethan Settlement 1559-1563
- Contained no guaidance on doctrine
- Left to convocation, stepped in if unhappy
- 1563 = discussed 42 Articles - became 39 Articles
- Under Puritan pressure, passed Article 29, denied presence of Communion, forced it to be left out
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Crown and Church, 1559-1603
- Some radical clergy refused to conform to rule about vestments - puritans simpler style = threat
- 1566 - ordered Parker to enforce it, issued Book of Advertisements, 37 clergy resigned in London in protest
- Local groupd set up prophesyings - meetings aimed at encouraging better education by Bible study and Puritan clergy practicing sermons
- Dangerous - difficult to control and feared spread of rebellion
- Ordered new Archbishop of Canterbury Edmund Grindal to suppress these, sympathetic so refused, suspended and put of house arrest in 1577
- Puritans challenged via parliament - able to get elected as MPs and attempt to change Prayer Book - suppressed
- 2nd = Antony Cope and Peter Wentwork attempted bill to remove Church structure, sent to Tower
- Elizabeth ordered Speaker of Commons to block settlement talks
- By 1589 = Puritan challenge decreased, key supporters died
- Parliament passed Act against Seditious Secretaries (1593), forced anyone who refused to attned Church of England services to exile, if returned = executed
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Crown and Parliament, 1559-1603
- Called parliament to raise taxation (war with Spain)
- Main concerns = misue of monopolies and high taxation
- Local complaints - abuse of royal prerogative, granted for courtiers for profit
- No competition, forced prices up
- Parliament of 1597, socio-economic decrease, war with Spain and rebellion in Ireland
- Some MPs = introduce parliamentary bill, petition Elizabeth instead, no direct challenge
- Parliament of 1601 - Elizabeth called it for more taxation, did nothing about monopolies, mob burst in to complain
- Elizabeth met with 140 MPs = golden speech admitted to some lapses of error, still upheld prerogative rights
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Statute Law and Parliamentary Privilege
Statute Law - laws passed by parliament could only be changed by future parliament
- Before 1530s - parliament instrument of monarch
- After 1530s - parliament used to create break with Rome
- Created 'king-in-parliament' = most powerful, king acting in conjunction with parliament, authority over Church
- Theory - God granted royal supremacy, people gave them authority to assume it through parliament
- Mary I replealed Act of Supremacy and Elizabeth I reasserted it
- Parliament had rights and priviledges as power increased - debates on freedom of speech and role in granting taxation
- Thomas More - speech requesting Henry VIII to allow MPs to speak freely - agreed and allowed to restrict taxation
- 1530s - Cromwell introduced by-elections, vacancies in commons when parliament in session could be filled
- 1555 - Mary faced revolt from MPs - refused to accept bill to confiscate land from those exiled from England - MP for Glouchestershire locked Commons door and forced speaker to vote defeating bill
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