How Individuals Can Take Responsibility for Their Health and Well-Being 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareHealth as a lifestyle choiceASCCEA Created by: Jacqui2Created on: 25-04-17 17:42 Self-Advocacy -The ability to speak for yourself regarding you own health Asking a GP for a referral to a specialist Asking a hospital doctor for a second opinion e.greferral to another specialist Researching one's own condition and possible treatments 1 of 3 Accessing Health and Social Care Services Making GP appointments before a health condition deteriorates Taking up opportunities for health checks offered at work e.g blood pressure checks Attending for regular check-ups e.g dental check-ups every six months Access to services can lead to: Diagnosis of illness - screening can detect cancer Changes in BP being detected - treatment can be started to prevent stroke etc. Prevention of disease - vaccination 2 of 3 Lifestyle Choices Eating a healthy diet e.g 5-a-day Exercising Limiting alcohol intake e.g government's recommended units per week Avoiding illegal drugs e.g smoking marijuana Avoid smoking tobacco and passive smoking 3 of 3