how to answer Q1 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Media Studiesaction and adventureGCSEAQA Created by: LaurenLangley22Created on: 14-12-17 13:22 How do I answer Q1 and get all 10 marks? the answer is PEAT Point - can only ever be two things - what is either seterotypical or non-stereotypical. Example Analyse Terminology 1 of 5 Camera Work establishing shots low, high, canted angles and aerial shots camera movements (track, steadicam, crane) handheld point-of-view shallow focus and focus pulls 2 of 5 Sound music (how it changes) synchronous and asynchronous sound diegetic/non diegetic sound sound effects sound bridge 3 of 5 Editing shot/reverse shot cross cutting (parallel editing) fast paced editing transitions: dissolve, fade and wipe special effects (post production effects) 4 of 5 Mise en Scene lighting (especially low-key lighting) location/set costume ad make-up casting and proformance style blocking (the composition of elements within the shot) 5 of 5
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