Most reform took place in William I reign as a result of Norman Conquest. A significant change was that of church personnel - William essentially replaced the entirety of the Anglo-Saxon church with Normans, starting in 1070.
- Bishops of Selsey & Lichfield removed, Walcher becomes bishop of Durham and Herfast becomes bishop of Elmham, Walkelin becomes bishop of Winchester.
- Thomas of Bayeux becomes Archbishop of York
- Stigand is removed as Archbishop of Canterbury and replaced by Lanfranc
- The Abbots of St Augustines Canterbury and St Albans were deposed.
- By 1086 there were only 3 A-S abbots, as opposed to the 13 that there were before.
- By the end of William's reign 11 out of 15 bishops were Norman.
- HOWEVER: Leofric of Devon & Cornwall, Siward of Rochester and Wulfstan of Worcester remained Anglo-Saxon bishops
- After this there was also a sense that William was happy to replace positions with Normans as they died.
- William Rufus abused this oppurtunity by purposefully leaving bishoprics vacant and taking the profits for his own crown revenue.
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