Autocracy is potentially a very strong system - one person is able to take key decisions quickly.
Most peasants' lives are effectively controlled by the Mir.
Tsar has huge personal powers over fines, arrests, imprisonment etc.
Strong army + secret police.
Everything depends on the personality and leadership of the Tsar - when he's weak, so is the regime.
Tsar is very bad at working with ministers and there is no system forcing him to do so.
No compulsory consultation for Tsar.
No proper decision-making framework.
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Peasants and the countryside
Around 80% of the Russian population were peasants who lived in communes.
Living and working conditions were dreadful.
Life expectancy for a peasant farmer was only 40.
Russian land was in short supply as much of it was unsuitable for farming.
The population increased 50% between 1860 and 1897.
There was no basic education in Russia and very few peasants could read or write.
Every week, peasants would hear how great the Tsar was and how they could be loyal subjects.
Not all peasants were loyal or religious: many supported the opposition, the Social Revolutionaries. Their main discontent was over land - they resented the amount of land owned by the aristocracy, the Church and the Tsar.
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The Aristocracy
The peasants were contrasted with the aristocracy, who had vast estates, town and country houses, and elegant lifestyles.
Aristocracy was 1.5% of society, but owned 25% of land.
Most were loyal to the Tsar and wanted to keep Russian society as it was, so they often acted as local officials - a key part of the Tsar's government.
The greatest fear for the aristocrats was that the peasants would rise up and take their lands.
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New industries, cities and the working class
The senior minister introduced policies that led to industrial growth: oil and coal production trebled, while iron production quadrupled.
The greatest concentrations of peasant workers were in the capital, St Petersburg and in Moscow.
Peasants arrived looking for a new way of life or just simply to earn some extra money.
There were no regulations on child labour, hours, safety or education.
Trade unions were illegal.
There was very low pay: 12-15 hours a day made the peasants realise that working in factories was no better that working on land.
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The middle classes
A new class began to emerge in Russia because of industrialisation - bankers, businessmen etc. These were capitalists.
Their main concerns were over the management of the economy, and also the controlling of their workforce. The workforce was a continuous problem in the years leading to the revolution, as there were numerous clashes between workers and capitalists in the years up to 1917.
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Opponents of the Tsar
Most Russians believed that God had appointed the Tsar to rule over them and that everyone else had their rightful place in society.
The Social Revolutionist Partywanted all land in Russian to be given to the mirs, the village communes, so that the peasants could have a bigger share of the land.
The Social Democratic Party followed the ideas of Karl Marx communism.
The party was split into the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks in 1903 because the leaders began to argue about what was the best way to start a socialist revolution.
The Bolsheviks believed that the revolution should be organised by a small group of skilled and dedicated revolutionaries, while the Mensheviks believed that the party should be a mass party with as many working class members as possible.
The leader of the Bolsheviks - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - argued that if the Mensheviks had their way, it would take years to start a revolution.
Julius Martov, the leader of the Mensheviks, replied that the revolution would fail if it did not have the support of the whole working class.