ICT Revision Card 0.0 / 5 ? ICTOnline LearningGCSEWJEC Created by: loiseiriCreated on: 01-05-14 17:33 The variety of ways online tutorials can be run: Run from a CD or DVD Installed and run from a network, or a VLE. Run over the Internet 1 of 12 Features of online tutorials: Using ICT to teach a topic/subject Centent- to instruct students in the subject Simulations- help students understand complex situations Animations- helps students understand how things work Drill and practice- helps consolidate learning Tests- allows the students to see how well they learnt the topic Games- Introduce fun in to the learning process Learning from a distance (away from school) 2 of 12 Advantages of online tutorials: Flexibility to learn where and whenever they want You can access the online tutorial from many different types of hardware e.g laptop, mobile.. The material comes in lots of different ways e.g voice, video.. Students can work at their own pace No need to worry about getting things wrong, the computer cannot get angry like a teacher might. The variety of activities keep students motivated. 3 of 12 Disadvantages of online tutorials: The software is complex, and therefor the initial cost is very expensive No interaction with other class mates No teachers to explain further if you don't understand Hard for teachers to track progress Students can take lots of breaks instead of doing the work. 4 of 12 Definition of online tutorials: An interactive method of learning which is computer-based. 5 of 12 Definition of online assessment: Online assessments is when you take tests or examinations online, they are usually a part of online tutorials. 6 of 12 Advantages of online assessments: Results are known immediately. You can see what you did well and not so well, so you will know what you need to target revision on. Teachers have more free time, no marking tests manually. 7 of 12 Disadvantages of online assessments: Hackers could access the system and change marks Total reliance on equipment that could go wrong Only suitable for certain kind of questions, a computer wouldn'e be able to mark an essay. 8 of 12 Definition of Virtual Learning Environment (VLEs) Virtual Learning Environments are software systems that support teaching in any educational institution. 9 of 12 Features of VLEs Students can be assessed and marked by the computer Teachers can upload content e.g notes, videos It allows students to communicate with their fellow-students and teachers Work can be submitted electronically Teachers can return marked work Blogs can be set up, where students can talk about the work Homework can be tailored to individuals 10 of 12 Advantages of VLEs: Students can access VLEs using any portable device Learning can take place at any time, this gives the student flexibility Students can test themselves whenever they feel like it Students can do work that is matched to their ability 11 of 12 Disadvantages of VLEs: The VLE software is very expensive Staff need a lot of training to use them Data entery is time consuming Hackers can alter mark, reports etc. 12 of 12
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