An ideology is a worldview or set of beliefs and values.
In sociology it is often defined as:
Distorted, false or biased ideas about the world.
Ideas that conceal interests of a group or justify their privilege.
Ideas that prevent change by misleading people.
A self-sustaining belief system closed to criticism.
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Marxism and Ideology
See class a divided into two opposed classes.
The capitalist class exploit the workers' labour for profit.
It is in the interest of the working class to overthrow capitalism with a socialist revolution.
Would be replaced by a classless communist society.
For this to occur workers need to develop a class consciousness.
However capitalists control production of ideas through education, religion and mass media.
Produces a ruling-class ideology that legitimates the status quo.
equality is against human nature.
theory of meritocracy blames victims for being poor.
racist ideas divide black and white workers making them easier to control.
nationalist ideas.
Ruling-class ideology prevents change by creating a false consciousness among workers.
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Hegemony and Revolution
Refers to ruling-class ideological domination of society as hegemony.
Argues that workers have a dual consciousness.
A mixture of ruling-class ideology and ideas developed through their experience.
Therefore it is possible to overthrow capitalism.
Requires a political party of organic intellectuals.
Workers who developed class consciousness and can spread the message.
It is not a dominant ideology that keeps workers from rebelling, but a fear of unemployment.
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Ideology and Utopia
Sees all belief systems as partial or one-sided worldviews.
Distinguishes between 2 types of belief system:
Ideological Thought
justifies keeping things as they are.
reflects interests of privileged groups.
conservative and favours hierarchy.
Utopian Thought
justifies social change.
reflects position of underprivileged.
offers vision of how society could/should be.
These systems only represent the interest of certain groups.
Only gives partial truth about the world so becomes a source of conflict.
Solution: detach intellectuals from social groups and create a free-floating intelligentsia to join elements of partial ideologies/utopias to create a total world view.
However political ideologies often diametrically oppose each other.
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Feminism and Ideology
Feminists see gender inequality as the fundamental division in society.
See patriarchal ideology as playing a key role in legitimating it.
Marks - describes how scientific ideas have been used to exclude women from education.
Patriarchal ideologies in religious belief establish women as inferior.
women are often regarded as ritually impure because of childbirth/menstruation.
Not all elements of religious belief subordinate women.
matriarchal religions were widespread before the emergence of major monotheistic religions.
Hinduism - goddesses are portrayed as mothers/creators of the universe.
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