Foreign military troops provided assistance in restoring roads and communications and helping to distribute emergency supplies of foood, water, shelter and medicines
The bodies of the dead were quickly buried in mas graves or burnt to prevent the spread of diseases. THis made working out the final death toll very difficult
Immediately after the tsunami many people arouund the world wanted to donte money and help the victims. Many websites were set up to help people donate. THere were also appeals on television stations around the world.
Villages in Aceh, Indonesia, were still without water 6 months after the tsunami. Many were relying on daily deliveries from NGOs. During earthquakes and tsunamis water pipes can be damaged and water sources polluted. It is important to try and provide clean water as quickly as possible
The World Food Programme provided immediate food aid to more than 1.3million people in the area
Refugee camps with tents were established so that people had somewhere to shelter unitl new homes could be constructed. A year after the tsunami, amyn people were still living in these camps
UNICEF rushed in emergency relief supplues to Indonesia and took the lead in restoring water and sanitation facilities, providing psychological and emotional support for children, getting schools back in session, registering and tracing separated adn unaccompanied children
In the immediate days after the disaster, only local people that were on hand were able to try and find and rescue victims. This was because tansporrt and communication links were damaged making it hard for national and international search teams to gain access.
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Long Term
The worldwide publicity and the proximity to Christmas meant that over $7billion in aid was promised for the damaged regions, although $4billion that had been promised had still not been delivered by March
The Thai government has improved signage for evacuation routes and carries out more drills to prepare for possible future tsunamis
UNESCO co-ordinated the development of an Indian Ocean Tsunami-Warning System which came into operation in late 2006
Many foreignors who had previously been on holiday to Thailand returned as volunteers to help in the huge reconstruction process. In Khao Lak more than 3,500 from over 50 couuntries helped with the rebuilding process
Four years after the Indian Ocean tsunami that devastated countries around the Indian Ocena, many have had schools, houses and roads rebuilt with the help of aid and NGOs
Tourist resorts were quickly rebuilt but some local coastal communites were foced out by these new developments
It was shown that mangroves and reefs acted as a form of natural defences agasint the tsunamis. Althouggh they didn't stop it completely, it did absorb a lot of its energy. Since the tsunami many conservation groups have been helping to protect mangroves and replant vegetation in coastal areas
Six months after the tsunami the Sri Lankan governemtn and the freedom movement it has been fighting in the norrth of the couuntry, the Tamil Tigers, have come to an agreement on how to distribute over $3billion in promised aid.
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