Intellectual development 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareUnderstanding human behaviour and developmentCommunication in care settingsAnatomy and physiology in practiceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Teegs_SkyeeCreated on: 04-06-20 17:41 Aspects of intellectual development Abrstract thoughts Memory Language development Moral development Problem solving 1 of 16 Abstract thoughts The ability to understand thoughts without evidence. 2 of 16 The six life stages in development Infancy and Early Childhood (these are grouped together for this) Adolesscence and Early Adulthood (again, these are grouped together for this) Middle Adulthood Later Adulthood 3 of 16 Infancy and Early Childhood Stages of rapid intellectual development. 4 of 16 Adolescence and Early Adulthood Development of: Logical thought Problem solving skills Memory recall skills 5 of 16 Middle Adulthood Can think through problems. Can make sound judgements using life experiences. 6 of 16 Later Adulthood Changes in the brain can cause: Short-term memory decline Slower thought processes (times) Slower reaction times 7 of 16 Language 8 of 16 Language - 3 months Babble Gibberish Makes noises Crying is main form of communication 9 of 16 Language - 12 months First words. One word at a time. 10 of 16 Language - 2 years Simple sentences. Don't really understand the meaning. 11 of 16 Language - 3 years Simple sentences but they do understand the meaning. 12 of 16 Language - 4 years Longer sentences. 250 Words in their vocabulary. 13 of 16 Language - infants Look at picture books. Play with puppets. 14 of 16 Language - young children Imaginary play. Roleplay. Word games. 15 of 16 Language - adolescence Read journals. Take part in group projects. 16 of 16
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