- Falsifiable- ability to prove the hypothesis incorrect
- replicability- the ability to replicate results
- objectivity- to avoid using personal opinion and use only observable phenomena
Parasychology- Pseudoscience: Hines-
- irrefutable hypothesis- it is not possible to disprove the hypothesis i.e. ESP believers suggest that the reason why there have never been any positive results is because the sceptics presence causes the phenomena to dissapear.
- Linked to 'Burden of proof'- supporters of parapsychology claim they need no evidence of what they believe so it is up to the sceptics to dissprove their claims- THE COTTINGLEY FAIRIES.
- Lacks carefully controlled, replicable research.
- The file drawer problem- only the significant results which support the hypothesis are used.
- all is mostly due to the unfalsifiable hypothesis.
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