Denouement - final part of the narrative, strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are resolved/ explained.
Tension mounts - we don't know if Jane will see Rochester again, if she will go back on her promise and become his mistress, or if he will want her back. We learn he is injured, we're not sure if they will get together again.
FLIGHT from Morton - echoes her flight from Thornfield; Before, she was running away from Rochester, now she is running to him - shows he has great control over her feelings, her usual calm state would never flee to/from things.
MATURITY - Jane knows what she wants; knows that she'll only be satisfied by following her heart. No longer submissive, feels she deserves happiness and is going to find it.
MONEY - she is now more commanding, doesn't hesitate to enlist help from people - suggests that people were only willing to serve the rich at this time/ only a wealthy woman was respected
Servant's account - Jane learns real story and that she had done the right thing in keeping to her morals.
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