Jewish studies
life after death
reward and punishment
grace after meals
ethics of fathers
sects of jews
war of independence
uganda plan
nuremberg laws
- Created by: lauren
- Created on: 30-04-11 12:17
Rosh Hashana
Judgement day
New year
Blow shofar- tekiah, teruah, tekiah
We eat sweet foods to symbolise a sweet new year
fish head on the table symbolises the head of the year
tashlich-throw away your sins
Kapparot- wave chicken around your head
Wear white- to symbolise purity
Rosh hashanah is the anniversary of the creation of humans
1st-2nd tishrei
Yom Kippur
Day of atonant
10th tishrei
assert yemai teshuva- 10 days of repenting
25 hour fast
dont bath
no marriage relationships
have an easy day
no leather shoes
yamin noraim- days of fear
Time for rejoicing
live in the succah
succah- a reminder of what the jews lived in when they were coming out of egypt
avarot- willow branch
hadassim- myrtle branches
hold them all together to symbolise the different types of jews
succot last 8 days, 7 days in isreal
14th nissan
8 days, 7 days in israel
chametz not aloud- take out of the house
eat matzah instead of bread
have a seder
karpas, maror, matzah, horoset, egg and salt water
6th nissan
celebrate the giving of the torah on mount saini
1 day in israel, 2 days in diaspra
cant work on shavuot (melacha)
traditional to read a poem called akdamut
read the meggilat of ruth
eat dairy foods on shavuot
custom to have flowers in the synagogue- mount sain was blossemed with flowers
simchat torah
Finish reading the torah
restart torah readings
celebrated by dancing with the torah
shemini atzeret- 8th day assembly
extra day of chag- final chance to get close to g-d after yom kippur, rosh hashanah and succot
major festivals- written in torah, eg yom kippur
minor festivals- not written in torah, eg chanukah
shalosh regalim- three foot festivals. 3 festivals that needed a visit to the temple- pesach, shavuot, succot
pilgramige- religious journey to a religious place
light candles to bring in shabbat
7th day g-d rested (shabbat is on the 7th day of the week)
2 challat on table- symbolise the 2 portions of manna that fell in desert
custom to overflow the wine cup
custom for father to bless the children
candles- light then to symbolise the 39 melachot
spices- we revive ourselves by smelling spices
descendent of king david
messiah must rebuild the temple
life after death
two worlds- physical and spiritual
physical world brings spiritual world into it
every human has a spiritual side- this remains living even after the physical body has stopped
comes from torah
authored by g-d
4 sections
first line of the shema is monotheism-beleive in 1 g-d
1st paragraph- a) love g-d with your heart, soul and might
b) educate children
c) teffilin- on arm against heart and on head
has shema in it
if it cracks its no longer kosher
right hand of door
has to be checked 2 times every 7 years
2nd paragraph of shema
reward and punishment
judaism beleives correct actions are rewarded, incorrect actions may be punished
rewards and punishments may take a physical/spiritual form
judaism beleives g-d is merciful
rewards and punishments are given with peoples circumstances in mind
israel rewards and punishments
rewards- rain for isreal, good crops, enough food
punishments- withold rain, poor crops, not in control of land
3rd paragraph of shema
commandment of tzit-zit
reminding the wearer of the 613 commandments
only need to be worn in daylight hours
standing prayer
said 3 times a day- shaharit, mincha, maariv
19 blessings
praise, ask and thank g-d
bracha 1- praising
bracha 2- forgivness
bracha 3- health
bracha 4- peace- this is a thankyou in advance for the peace in massianic times
grace after meals
said after eating bread
bracha 1- thank g-d for giving food. author: moses
bracha 2- thanking for food and land of israel. author: Joshua
bracha 3- thanking for food, land of israel, jerusalem and the temple. author: King David and king solomon
King david chose Jerusalem
King solomon built the temple
ethic of the fathers
mishna 1
1) chain of tradition- all ethics have a tradition that goes back to the begining of the jewish religion
2) be deliberate in judgment- be in control of yourself
make a fence around the torah- protect torah
mishna 14
'if i am not for myself, who will be for me?'- have to complete the task that i have been set
'if i am only for myself, what am i?'- have to look out for others
'if not now, when?'- all responsibilities done straight away
mishna 18
truth, justice and peace
sects of jews
orthodex- remain true to religion
non orthodox- jews who interpret torah
haskalah- enlightlement
religion vs science
science began to change religious views
orthodox saw this as a threat
non orthodox saw this as a oppurtunity
ultra orthodox- live amongst themselves.. eg no modern technology
other sects
neo orthodoxy- remain traditional whilst being a port of the modern world
modern orthodoxy- allowed people to look at their orthodox life
if the rules are from g-d we cant change them- g-d is omnisient
non orthodox
- they beleive that not all the rules are from g-d
- they beleive that some of the torah was written by humans
- non orthodox humans are allowed to alter the interpretations of the torah
chasidick and lithuanian
chasidick and lithuanian have different traditions
lithuanian- the most important thing is torah
chasidick- they get close to g-d by serving him, and they perform mitzvot
reform, liberal and masorti
1) make jewish religion more relavent
2) old style traditions were seen as irrelavent
3) stopped kosher laws
1) each individual jew has the right to decide what to do
1) keep traditions
2) they question weather torah was written by g-d
conditions were terrible
people had to exist off the same number of caleries as a peice of bread, per day
disease and death became the norm
in warsaw ghetto, 500,00 people lived in an area about 1 square mile
nazis gave the impression the ghettos would give the jews the ability to be free
head of the ghettos were the JUDENRAAT (jewish councilers)- they had to carry out nazi orders
ghettos aloud...
1) nazis to round up the jews
2) cut the jews off from the rest of society
genocide- mass murder of a particular group
hitler- elected into power- he promised a solution to economic problems
hindenberg- president
**- hitlers bodyguards
the ** shot nazi's who feard hitler
war of independence
when israel became a country in 1948 the arabs tried to destroy it
the arabs invaded a day after israel became a state
the war lasted 9 months
6000 jewish soldiers killed
uganda plan
britain offered jews uganda as a homeland
Herzl was in favour of the plan
plan was rejected
Herzl died a few months later
herzls dream
1) no army
2) no polititians
3) arabs and jews equal
1) standing army in israel
2) israel=democracy
3) arabs and jews are still not equal
nuremberg laws
1) no jews and german marriages
2) proceedings can be initiated only by the state prosecuter
3) jews cant employ germans under the age of 45
4) jews cant fly with the german colours
5) any one who doesnt follow laws will be sent to prism
nuremberg trials
after war only important nazi's were caught and put on trial
10 of them were sentenced to death
many nazi's ran away to countries that wouldnt prosecute them.. eg south america and egypt
motivation to be zionist
zionism- movement that supports the idea of the jewish land
political zionism- supporting the idea that jews run their own country
cultual zionism- people who beleive judaism is not a religion but a culture
zionist congress- zionists who decide issues facing zionism
post holocaust european jewry
75-90% european jews were killed in holocaust
some survivers went to USA, others in refugees
post world war 2 palestine
British allowed a small amount of jews in palestine
jews who tried to get into palestine illegally were captured by british and sent to turkey
1967 war- israel and syria. Israel attacked them. In 3 hrs isreal destroyed the egyption airforce
outcomes of war- israel gained the gaza *****, saini desert, golden heights
after the war the arabs refused to make peace
1973-yom kippur war. surprise attack by egypt and syria, lasted 3 days
1976- raidon entebbe, israel rescued over 100 jewish hostages from uganda
covenant- agreement between 2 parties which involves both sides promising something to eachother
covenants with abraham- brit millah (covenant of the flesh)
g-d's promise- to ensure a nation comes from abraham, and give the land of israel to abrahams descendents
abrahams promise- all male children will be circumsised at 8 days old
Brit bein habaterim- covenant between names