Kenya AIB
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- Created by: Megan
- Created on: 27-05-15 12:37
Suggest reasons for low access to health care in K
- Only 30% have acess to medicines, many die from preventable diseases
- Shortage of healthcare professionals as they emigrate or work for private companies - 1 doctor per 10 000
- Shortage of infrastructure - Hospital:Population = 1:60 000
- Only 25% of Kenyans have access to medical facility within 8km
- Cultural traditions - many HIV/AIDs patients cared for at home
- Lack of political will - transport and logistics are not the main focus of international pressure (MDGS)
- Poor infrastructure - only 14% of Kenya's roads are paved
- 40% of national transport budget was unspent in 2006
- Most people can't afford retroviral drugs
- Healthcare is expensive - not free at the point of delivery
- Poor road conditions = breakdown of vehicles = need for riders
- 70% of population live more than 2km away from a paved road
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Important notes Item 1
- IMR: 40.7 per 1000 (under 1)
- Total External Debt - $13.5 billion
- Over 60% live in rural locations, but only 14% road networks paved (not suitable for normal cars)
- Healthcare delivery vehicles out of use for want of US$3 part
- Riders for Health became an NGo in 1996 - works in the Gambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and Lesotho
- Kenyan program began 2002, 8 staff manage 77 vehicles
- Works with African Infectious Disease Clinics
- Grassroots iniatives - healthworkers from community based organisations provided with transport
- 2011- opened International Academy for Vehicle
- Before - 60 people reached a week by a rider, now 450 reached a week per rider
- Travel time cut from 4 hours to 1
- Can travel up to 80km away rather than 20km away
- Society for Women with Aids - stigmitization reduced - MDG 3 & 6
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Important Notes Item 2
- Most of South-West is over 1000m
- Central region 200-1000m
- Coastal region under 200m
- High rainfall in areas of higher relief due to relief ranfall
- High rainfall in Mombasa due to tropical storms
- Areas of higher precipitation suitable for crop growth, allows a continuous growing season
- Areas of high population density developed around cropland
- No cropland in national park and no people
- Coast quite densely populated
- Poverty in main cities - areas with high population density
- Areas in North Kenya have high population density but lower poverty
- Should we concentrate medicines in area of greatest poverty? Dense population -> infectious disease
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How has physical geography reduced development?
- Mountainous terrain makes access difficult - areas of high relief
- High precipitation = more mass movement of land
- High preciptation = malaria = hours lost, high IMR
- National parks prevent corridor of development from capital
- Large country with many small villages requires large road network but only 14% are paved
- Low precipitation areas are unsuitable for cropland
- Low precipitation = uneven water distribution = cost of irrigation
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Why will investing in transport infrastructure ben
- Inequality of healthcare provision due to poor infrastructure
- Over 60% live in rural locations, only 14% road networks paved - unsuitable for normal cars so hard to deliver healthcare
- Allows better access to education = improved hygeine = reduces spread of disease
- Better road systems could encourage urbanisation
- Better access to pregnant women - reduce the IMR and maternal mortality rate
- Resources can be distributed according to need not population size
- Cost-benefit analysis?
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Economic, Environmental and Social impacts of inve
- more people with HIV go public and receive treatment
- treatment improves quality of life
- more hospitals - decrease in incidence of poor health
- less absences from school - better education - more opportunities
- Less absence from work
- Farms could fall into disrepair and lead to desertification
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Bottom-Up Aid
- Most effective
- Those at bottom know what they need
- More tailored to specific needs - different needs in different places
- Might not have infrastructure to support it - appropriate technology? - How do Bikers get petrol?
- Top Down - needed to distribute medical supplies to whole country - not efficient to have an effective system for only one area
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Are motorbikes appropriate technology?
- Kenya has roads, only 14% are paved but bikes are suited to dirt roads
- One bike per doctor - need more bikes, could fit 4 in one car before
- People can be trained to ride/repair/maintain the bikes
- Can't carry as much medicine
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Can the Riders help Kenya improve their healthcare
- Seen improvements on a small scale in the areas they operate - 20 000 more people reached
- Inappropriate distribution of supplies + loss of workers currently
- Start with demand at the bottom - requires some kind of database, work with supply and demand
- Would require efficient IT system - high set up costs - would Riders fund this? The governemnt can't afford it.
- If they miss the deadline day, do they wait another month?
- Riders may not be sustainable - funded by donations - not guaranteed income
- Kenya could follow a riders style system, introducing tax to pay for the improvements
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Important Notes Item 4
- 2005 - unlikely to achieve goals due to lack of resources - poor transport, healthworkers, supplies, ICT, poor communications etc
- Set a policy for the next 10-12 years to work towards goals - all public investment toward it
- Strengthening Service Delivery Systems - human resources, infrastructure and management capacity
- 500 hospitals, 611 health centres, 3310 subcentres/dispensaries
- Each health centre serves 6887 people. Hospital:People =1:60 000
- Only 25% of Kenyans have access to health serices within 8km
- Urban population only 20% but spending there is 70% - easiest to distribute money there
- Low quality of care - lack of supplies plus poorly accessible
- 10% of govs annual budget for healthcare spent on drugs - antiretroviral drugs
- Low utilisation of healthcare due to high cost - not free at point of delivery- rural population isolated
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Suggestions for MDGS
- Money available 2005-2007 should focus on improving human capacity -
- 42% personnel - training teachers, healthworkers, agricultural extension workers
- 39% operations and maintenance - teaching materials, anti-malaria drugs, mosquito nets
- 19% costs for building infrastructure to increase capacity of economy
- Medium Term - 2007 - 2015 - sustaining additional human capital and investing in infrastructure - major trunk roads, rural access roads, education and healthcare buildings
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