"Killer queen" from "Sheer heart attack" album - Edexcel GCSE Music (9-1) 2016

Revision resource for "Killer queen" set work from area of study 2 (vocal music) of Edexel GCSE Music (9-1) 2016 gcse.

Created by Luca C and Edward J at BPS.


Instrumentation - useful points

Electric guitars:

  • Main guitarist: Brian May
  • Layered and customised guitar sounds (e.g. special amplifier).
  • Overdubbing (bars 70-73, 55-61) and multi-track recording used - layers of sound for pleasant (harmonised) melodic line.
  • Use of flanger swooshing (distortion) sound effect, in particular for word-painting of word "laser-beam" in vocal part (bar 17).
  • In the solo, techniques are used such as vibrato in bars 44-45 where the strings are vibrated by rapidly bending and releasing the notes with the left hand to create a pulsing sound.
  • Other techniques used:
    • "wah-wah" sound effect at the start of verse 3 (bar 62 - "she's as willing as"), like a voice
    • different microphone positions when recording for varied timbres (tone/sound)
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Texture facts

The instrument parts gradually build up at the start of the song:

  • 1)  A monophonic texture of finger clicks with a drum beat for the first 1.5 bars
  • 2)  Vocals then start and after half a bar the piano joins (homophonic).
  • 3)  At bar 7, an electric guitar begins playing therefore making it polyphonic.

The first chorus has a homophonic texture.

The texture of other choruses is affected by:

  • Articulation - the legato (smooth) flow of notes makes the texture thicker.
  • Backing vocals - layered to create a harmony using the technique of overdubbing.

Also, the 2nd verse becomes a polyphonic texture.

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