Gloucester's Machiavellian son.
Act 1, Scene 2 - Edmund soliloquises. "With base? with baseness? bastardy? base, base?" "Legitimate Edgar, I must have your land." "go arm'd"
Act 2, Scene 1 - "Look, sir, I bleed." He will go to any means to gain power. "I shall serve you, sir, truly" He becomes Cornwall's right hand man.
Act 3, Scene 3 - "The younger rises when the old doth fall."
Act 3, Scene 7 - no matter how "truly" he serves Cornwall, he can't stand to watch his father hurt physically. He leaves the room before Gloucester's eyes are plucked out.
Act 5, Scene 2 - "To both these sisters I have sworn my love" He puts himself in a dilemma and becomes the cause of the death of Regan and Goneril.
Act 5, Scene 3 - "That she forbid herself" - he tries to put the blame onto others for Cordelia's death.
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