Supporting studies
Colby et al (1983) followed up 58 of Kohlbergs orginal sample for 20 years. Ps were tested at 3 yearly intervals. The results showed that Ps passed through the stages as expected although by the age of 36, only 5% of Ps appeared to be in stage 5.
Snarey (1987) carried out a meta-analysis of 45 studies of 27 different cultures and found 'striking support for Kohlbergs first four stages'
Fodor (1972) found, just as Kohlberg would have suggested, that juvenile delinquents operate on a lower stage of moral development
Bias - gender. Kohlbergs theory has been accused of beta bias as he carried out his research on male teenagers only. When the stages were tested on females they typically scored lower. Other research contradicts that. Gillian suggested that men and women have different moral senses.
Temporal validity - Kohlbergs original research was carried out in the early 1960's and so his stage theory may no longer by valid in relation to contempary attitudes.
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