


WW1 - NII - autocracy - democracy - communism (feb or oct rev)

1881 assassination of AIII - Russification 

1905 Revolution - NII - Loss of little farther 

Stalins rise to power - end of international revolution - start of socialism in 1 country 

WW2 - Stalin - High Stalinism 

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Stalins rise to power - great purges 1936-38 - Trotsky - red terror 

1881 Assassination - AIII - 150 People's will assassinated 

Defeat in Crimean war - AII - Less - release of political prisoners 

1953 Stalin's death - K - closing of gulags 

1866 Hell assassination attempt - AII - University students 

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Defeat in Crimean war - Modernisation - Liberalisation of legal system - zemstva's - all classes voted 

Feb 1917 - PG - 8 point plan (amnesty granted to political prisoners)

Stalins death - K - Ther thaw 

Oct 1917 - L - regressive - 1921 ban of factions - secret police reinstated 

1881 assassination AIII - Regressive - appointed land captains 

Cold war - Wesern dress 

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Central Govt structure

1905 - NII - Nationally elected body - Duma

Defeat in Crimean war - Cabinet like body - committee of ministers 

Feb 1917 - PG - National constituente assembily - dual authority (petrograd soviet)

Oct 1917 - Lenin - Sovnekom (nationally elected body) all russian congress of soviets (cabinet like body)

Stalins death - Decentralisation 

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