DEFINES GENDER AS - 'the term used to descrive socially constructed categories based on sex' Assimilation - in professions and politics take on male values e.g deeper voices,swearing,assertive style,prosodic features (falling not rising) , expolot use of non-standard accents,interpersonal skills,negotiate conflict/good social relations.
women use prestige english more than men do, men tend to reflect the charactertistics of stigmatic english.
prestige - sophisticated pronounciation,strategy for protecting face of powerless speakers,girls adoapt to prestige norms more easily in school (lesly milroy)
Womens speech is closer to standard, because women are less ffiecient at enforcing venacular norms in the tightknit networks to which they belong
Stigma - vernacular,useing non-standrd forms , they signal solidarity with eachother,use vernacular with teachers to display hostility, mean connet in more ways than women (multiplex)
coaters (1989) - female single sex discourse 'hedges used to prevent intimate talk from being too face threatening '
'women are the experts at euphemism'
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