Latin Nouns 3 OCR GCSE Latin 3.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? LatinVocabularyGCSEOCR Created by: CJCreated on: 31-03-10 14:29 Nouns 3 amor - love ars - art, skill canis - dog caput - head civis - citizen clamor - shout, shouting, noise frater - brother homo - man, human being iter - journey iuvenis - young man 1 of 3 Nouns 3 leo - lion mare - sea mater - mother mercator - merchant miles - soldier mons - mountain mors - death navis - ship nomen - name nox - night 2 of 3 Nouns 3 pars - part pater - father pax - peace rex - king senator - senator senex - old man urbs - city uxor - wife vox - voice 3 of 3
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