Leadership roles
- Created by: The GingerNinja
- Created on: 13-03-17 11:18
Leadership roles
Autocratic leader will make all of the decisions with little to no input from others and will often dictate.
Democratic will aks for others opinions when making decisions and will take their ideas into the decision making process but will make the final decision
Laissez faire involves letting others make decisions and make little input to what decisions are made and will delegate most tasks to others.
Autocratic leadership style will be better when dealing with people with a lower development level as they wont know what they would do otherwise and there will be less need for democratic decision making.
A Democratic leadership style will best suite people who are developing to the point that they understand what they have to do and how to progress as the leader can ask them how they want to progress and ask them to set up tasks and activities for themselves.
A Laissez faire leader will be best suited to people with a high level of development as they will be able to self govern themselves to a higher level than those lower down as they will know what they have to do to get better which will require less input from the leader.
different attributes
When it comes to effectively planning or running a sports session different attributes will make a large difference in deciding if the session is successful or not for example if a leader doesn’t have good communication skills then they will not be able to tell people what they want they want them to do .
Relationships will affect the effectiveness of a leader as if they just shout at people then they aren’t going to want to work hard
Knowledge: if the leader doesn’t know about what they’re teaching then the students wont want to listen to them
Empathy: if the leader or coach doesn’t empathise with peoples circumstances then how can they expect people to listen to them
Group dynamics
•Stage 1: Forming-talking to each other to discover personalities. this stage is the most crucial as then the coach and players can decide who is best suited to different roles
•Stage 2: Storming- time when the ‘pecking order’ is established and formal roles are decided which allows the team to begin training and getting ready
•Stage 3: Norming- team begins to work together to achieve a common goal this helps the players get to know each others strengths and weaknesses
•Stage 4: Performing- working together to take steps towards reaching their set goal allows them to go towards their goal as one
Factors affecting group dynamics
•Cohesion: refers to how good the team work together can be effected by size of group tghe bigger the group the harder to get cohesion
•Stability: if a number of people join or leave the team it can lead to a lack of cohesion in the team and could revert to the forming stage which is up vto the coach to try and reduce the impact
•Coach: if the coach can effectively communicate with members of the team and ensuring changes are kept to a minimum to mean that the team dont have to go back into the forming or norming stages as new players join and older players leave
•Reward positive behaviour
•Issuing sanctions to unacceptable behaviour
Steiner's model of group effectiveness
Potential productivity:
this is primarily decided by the individual skill levels of team members.
Faulty Processes:
these are either motivational or coordinated loses.
Actual Productivity:
This is when a group uses their potential productivity to meet task demands.
This is stable and includes knowledge, skills and talent.
Potential Productivity:
This is when the group performs at their best possible performance, given sources and task demands.
Empathy Knowledge Relationships
if the leader or coach doesn’t empathise with peoples circumstances then how can they expect people to listen to them. it will also mean that the people they are teaching will want to do better as they feel connected to their coach or leader
if the leader doesn’t know about what they’re teaching then the students wont want to listen to them and wont be able to improve effectively. they will also nit want to try and might quit doing the sport
Relationships will affect the effectiveness of a leader as if they just shout at people then they aren’t going to want to work hard whereas if they are kind and listen to the problems that people have then that person will want to try harder as they have a relationship with the leader
Organisation Communication skills
organisation is critical for any leader as if they dont organise what they are doing in their sessions they will get confused and might not have what they need for the session meaning that the students might not be able to progress as the leader doesnt know what to do
Communication skills are also crutial as an effective leader cannot spend their time shouting at their students as they wont want to try and might stop going because they feel threatened and scared. whereas if the leader is calm and just talking to them and conveing what they want them to do in a calm tone then the students will want to try and progress
Influencing development
Each leadership style fits different development stages better than others for example,
Autocratic leadership style will be better when dealing with people with a lower development level as they wont know what they would do otherwise and there will be less need for democratic decision making.
A Democratic leadership style will best suite people who are developing to the point that they understand what they have to do and how to progress as the leader can ask them how they want to progress and ask them to set up tasks and activities for themselves.
A Laissez faire leader will be best suited to people with a high level of development as they will be able to self govern themselves to a higher level than those lower down as they will know what they have to do to get better which will require less input from the leader.
Aggressive Passive Introvert Extrovert
constantly shouts at students and likes to get up close to people invavding personal space.
accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance. will often stand back from decisions and let others take the choices
a shy, reticent person that will often sit out of sessions are struggle in group situations
An outgoing, socially confident person. that will excell at group situations and easily makes friends
Need to avoid failure (NAF) will often avoid challenges and will give up easily
Need to achieve (NACH) will take on challenges and will not give up easily not afraid to take risks
Type A Type B
Type A personalities are people who enjoy being outgoing and competitie
Type B personalities are people that are more relaxed and easy going and dont get stressed
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