League of Nations
- Created by: Ridha Ahmed
- Created on: 30-05-15 19:12
Aims of the League
- Prevent agression by any nation
- Encourage co-operation between nations
- Encourage disarmament- this would prevent war
- Improve living and working conditions
Structure of the League
Assembly- Is a debating chamber located in Geneva (Switzerland), where each member gets 1 vote and meets once each year. Had the power to:
- admit new members and elect permanent members of the council
- vote on League's budget
- suggest changes to existing treaties
Decisions made by unanimous votes, could only reccomend actions to council, not carry it out.
The Council-Met 3 times a year and in emergencies
- Consisted of 5 permanent members (Britain, France, Italy, Japan and from 1926 Germany). Permanent members had power to veto.
- 4 temporary members elected every 3 years by Assembly
Secrateriat-Carried out administration and kept records of meetings and reports.
Structure of the League
Permanent Court of International Justice- Made up of judges from member countries.
- Gave decisions on disputes between countries and gave legal advice to council
Had no way of making sure decisions were put into action
International Labour Organisation- aimed to improve working conditions
- Made up of empolyers, goverments and working representitives that met once each year
- Collected stats and info about working conditions
- Tried to persuade member countries to adopt suggestions of improvement on working hours, wages and health and safety.
- Mandates commision- If countries controlled territory, it acted in the interests of people.
- World Health Organisation- deal with problem of diseases
- Slavery commision- worked to end slavery
- Refugee Organisation- helped return people to origional homes
Membership of the League
There were 42 origional members and this increased to 60.
USA did not join because...
- Congress voted against voting and Republiacan believed in isolationism
- Believed treaty of Versailles was unfair
- Hostile attitudes towards Britain and France
- Did not want to sacrifice troops and spend money
- Were not allowed to join until they proved they were a peace loving country
- Joined in 1926
- Unwanted at first due to communist beliefs and fear of the spread of communism
- Didn't wish to join as they thought it was a "rich club"
- Eventually joied in 1933
Organisational Weaknesses
- Countries defeated in the war were not allowed to join
- Powerful countries like the USA were missing
- Too slow in dealing with disputes as council only 3 times each year
- Unanimous voting on decisions
- Permanent members had power to veto
- No army
- Dominated by France and Britain who acted in self interest
- Economic Sanctions (stop trading) were unsuccessful as countries could still trade with rich counteries such as the USA.
Successes in 1920s
Aaland Islands, 1920-1921
- Sweden and Finland prepared to fight over Aaland Islands
- The league gave the Islands to Finland
- Both countries accepted and war was avoided
Upper Silesia, 1920
- Between Germany and Poland
- Both wanted it due to its rich iron industry
- A plebliscite was given enquiring whether they wanted to be apart of Germany of Poland
- Urban areas voted Germany, rural areas voted Poland
- Upper Silesia was divided
Austria, 1922
- Was facing economic issues after WW1
- Financial experts in League prevented a collapse of Austrian government by reorganising Austria's finances and economy.
Successes in 1920s
Bulgaria, 1925
- Greek soldiers were killed on Bulgarian boarder, so Greece invaded
- Greeks were ordered to leave and pay compensation
- The matter was resolved and no major countries got involved
Improving living and Working conditions
- Many refugees from WW1 were rehomed
- Attacked slave traders and drug sellers
- Supported measures against malaria and leprosy
Failures in 1920s
Vilna, 1920
- Capital of Lithuania was consisted of mainly Polish people
- 1920 Polish forces occupied Vilna, Vilna asked for help but league could not get Poles to leave
- Neither Britain or France sent soldiers, Vilna stayed under Poland's control
Corfu, 1923
- Mussolini blamed Greeks for the death of Italian surveyors and ordered them to pay compensation
- They refused and so Mussolini ordered his navy to shell Corfu
- The Council pressured Corfu to pay the compensation and apologise
- Only then Mussolini withdrew
Failures in 1930s- Japan and Manchuria
- Japan wanted to expand its empire
- Japanese railway that ran through Manchuria (china) was destroyed
- Japanese blamed China and Japan invaded Manchuria and set up a "puppet" government
- China appealed
- Japan claimed it was using self defence to keep peace in China (China state of anarchy)
Leagues actions
- Took a year to present report
- Declared Japan's actions unlawful and Manchuria should be returned
- Japan declared to invade more of China and left the league
- Britain and France were more interested in keeping good relations with Japan
- Economic sanction would not work due to USA
- Britain and France were unwilling to use their military (league had no army)
Failures in 1930s- Italy and Abyssinia
- Mussolini wanted to expand empire further in Eastern Africa
- Sent troops into Abyssinia to conquer it
The leagues actions
- Relied on Britain and France to send troops
- They were reluctant as they wanted an ally against Hitler
- Agreed to divide Abyssinia- 2/3s to Italy
- Showed that Britain and France acted in self interests
- Italy left league and conqured all of Abyssinia
Failures in 1930s- Disarmament
Disarmament Conference
- All countries should disarm at same level as Germany
- France was afraid to due to events in WW1 and were unwilling to disarm
- Hitler argued that if world disarmament to the same level as Germany would not happen, Germany would rearm.
- Failure to disarm lead to Germany leaving league
- Hitler openly announced the increase of his army to 500,000
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