- 23rd March 1933
- The Nazis won 288 seats in March 1933 elections and by combining with the Nationalist Party, they gained just over 50% of the votes in the Reichstag
- Hitler wanted more power
- Enabling Act meant he could pass laws fore four years without the consent of the Reichstag
- He need 2/3rds of the Reichstag to approve the enabling law as it changed the constitution
- Hitler had banned the Communists using the Law for the Protection of the People and State
- He got the support of the Centre Party by promising to cancel this law
- Only the Social Democrats voted against the law and it was passed on 23rd March 1933 by 441 votes to 94
- The Enabling Act confirmed the collapse of the Weimar Republic
Hitler used the Enabling Act to introduce lawswhich got rid of other groups of opposition.
Other laws to increase control and get rid of opposition:
- Late March - all state parliaments were closed down and re-established with Nazi majorities
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