Livestock - Nutrition 0.0 / 5 ? OtherAnimal ManagementOtherOther Created by: Becky_BerryCreated on: 24-03-21 09:52 Nutrition maintenance diet - the amount of food required to keep the body alive with no change in body weight or production 1 of 16 Utilisation of Feed life processes - breathing, circulation growth heat movement offspring milk 2 of 16 The Nutrient Groups carbohydrates minerals water vitamins fats/lipids proteins 3 of 16 Dietary Instructions rationed (set weighed amount) i.e. once or twice daily ad-lib (free access to food all the time) 4 of 16 Feeding Systems automatic feeding system - ad lib semi-automatic feeding system - rationed manual (by hand) feeding system - rationed 5 of 16 Feeding Systems - Silage straights mixing facilities maybe required storage facilities required time-consuming getting the best deals maybe even cash flow outside ration formulation advice maybe required compounds can be delivered ready-made ration easy to get extra minerals or other additives included 6 of 16 Feed Types hay wheat barley straw oats 7 of 16 Feed Types: Forages roughages e.g., hay (made from grass) and straw (made from wheat and barley stalks) high dry matter content haylage grasses grown and cut left to dry for less time (approx. 30% - 40% moisture) bales are wrapped and compressed high energy and protein content silage grass, maize (sweetcorn), whole crop cereal grasses are cut and then fermented to keep as much of the nutrients (e.g., sugars and proteins) as possible fermented in acidic conditions (around pH 4-5), fibrous and cheap 8 of 16 Feed Types: Forages: Hay smell should be sweet - not sickly not fousty poor mouldy hay gives out clouds of white/grey dust when shaken. This is caused by bailing when damp. colour green or golden not pale or bleached - a sign the grass has been left out in the sun for too long not chocolate brown with sickly smell - results from overheating composition individual varieties of grass should be identifiable plenty of leaf - protein no weeds or soil not brittle - caused by over making DM 80% 9 of 16 Feed Types: Forages: Grass Silage smell desirable smell is sharp and slightly sweet not sharp acid smell caused by acid fermentation not ammonia smell - caused by protein breakdown colour good - greenish/yellow not olive green not dark brown or black, caused by poor clamp sealing or allowing air into clamp once opened composition individual varieties of grass should be identifiable plenty of leaf - protein no weeds or soil dry matter hold silage in hand and squeeze water runs out: under 20% water felt when squeezed: 20-24% no water can be felt when compressed into a ball = 28% springs open on its own = over 30% 10 of 16 Feed Types: Succulents e.g., fodder beat, turnips, brewers grains low in dry matter high moisture content fibrous 11 of 16 Feed Types: Grazing e.g., grass, stubble turnips, kale low dry matter quality can vary according to season fibrous 12 of 16 Food Types: Concentrates high energy/protein/fibre dry, 89-90% dry matter e.g., cereals, pellets/cake, coarse mix cereals = high in energy peas and beans = high in protein 13 of 16 Dry Matter food materials left after all water is evaporated off this portion contains all the nutrients constituents: energy, protein, minerals, vitamins Grass silage: 25% DM Maize silage: 30% DM Cereals: 86% DM Hay: 80% 14 of 16 Food Storage hay and straw barn polythene covered big bales - round and square silage big bales clamp concentrates hopper bagged feed grains grain silo barn feed bags supplements plastic tub bagged 15 of 16 Feed Quality palatability smell taste texture visual digestibility (D value) 16 of 16
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