Living the Christian life
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- Created by: eleanorlomas
- Created on: 02-04-18 14:35
Christian Worship
- Liturgical Worship: When Christians worship according to a set pattern on a regular basis. There will be set prayers and readings, often using the Book of Common Prayer- "we should at all times, and all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord."
- Non-liturgical Worship: Less formal; does not follow a set pattern and can involve more unscripted or improvised forms of worship.
- Eucharist/Holy Communion/Mass: most Christians have a formal liturgical service each Sunday, when bread and wine (the Last Supper) are distributed among the congregation.
- Charismatic Worship: Pentecostal churches often have non-liturgical worship involving clapping or dancing as well as the use of music. It can also involve speaking in tongues-represents being filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Personal/private prayer: can take different forms, with a person spending time alone praying, praying as a group or simply reading the Bible. Some Christians perform this as part of a retreat.
- Silence: some Christians, such as Quakers, follow no set pattern of worship or services. Instead, followers sit in silence for significant periods of time. Some may feel prompted to speak, read aloud or share personal experiences.
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The role of Sacraments
- Sacrament: a rite of passage or ceremony where the grace and power of God is received.
- The 39 Articles: they state that the sacraments are important as signs of God's grace and evidence of being a Christian. "Sacraments ordained by of Christ be not only badges or tokens..."
- Views: Catholics recognise seven sacraments; Protestants recognise two; some non-conformist Churches recognise two, others none.
- Infant baptism: Most Christian groups have a ceremony to welcome a baby into the faith-a christening or baptism. The baby is baptised in the belief that it will cleanse the child from original sin. Parents and godparents make promises on behalf of the child. A lighted candle is given to represent the light of Jesus.
- Adult/believers baptism: Some non-conformist churches prefer adult baptism as they feel only an adult can fully make the choice of belonging to the Church. Each candidate is asked questions about their faith and makes a personal testimony on why they want to become a Christian. They are baptised through full immersion.
- The Eucharist: It is a reenactment of the Last Supper. The bread represents the body of Jesus and the wine his blood. Catholics call it Mass, CofE calls it Eucharist and the Baptists call it The Lord's Supper. Catholics believe in transubstantiation-the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. Protestants believe it to be symbolic.
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The nature and purpose of prayer
- Purpose: 1. to get closer to God and communicate with him. 2. to praise God and thank him for what he's done. 3. to ask for God's help. 4. to apologise when someone feels they have done something wrong.
- The Bible: "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
- The Lord's Prayer: "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name..."
- 1. Set prayers: Some Christians have a prayer book that is used in their Sunday services or worship. Many prayers reflect key Christian beliefs.
- 2. Informal prayer: When people pray by themselves privately. It can include praying silently or aloud.
- 3. The Lord's Prayer: The most famous prayer, which it is believed Jesus taught to his followers. It contains many key Christian beliefs about God.
- Importance of different types of worship: Different types of prayers and forms of worship suit different types of occasions. Having different forms of worship reflects the many different denominations within Christianity and shows the various words and actions they use as part of their communication with God.
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- History: "Every year Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of Passover." -Chrisitan pilgrimage has its roots in Jewish pilgrimage. It was first seen when early Christians began to visit places related to Jesus, e.g. Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Other popular sites are those with Saints associated with them or where visions supposedly occurred.
- Jerusalem: Jesus celebrated the Last Supper, was arrested, crucified and resurrected in Jerusalem. They think about Jesus' sacrifice in dying for the sins of humanity.
- Iona: Island off the coast of Scotland is considered to be sacred as many saints lived there. They spend time there in prayer and reflection.
- Taize: In central France-join the monastic order or to experience and share in the community's way of life. Brings together Catholics and Protestants to spend time in meditation, prayer and silence.
- Walsingham: 1061, a woman in Walsingham in Norfolk received a vision of the Virgin Mary, who showed her Jesus' home in Nazareth. Today, it is used for prayer to Jesus.
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- celebrates the incarnation and birth of Jesus-25th December.
- cards and presents are given, houses are decorated and special services are held e.g. Midnight Mass. Carols are sung and Nativity plays put on. Families share a special meal and attend a special service on Christmas Day.
- Many Christians express the meaning of Christmas by helping others and sharing with them.
- "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given."
- remembers the crucifixion celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. Good Friday-crucified. Easter Sunday-resurrected and the sadness is over.
- Special services are held. Hot cross buns may be eaten to remind people of Jesus' death on the cross. Easter eggs represent the empty tomb of Jesus after his resurrection.
- The story of Jesus' resurrection helps Christians find faith in eternal life.
- Holy week is the last week of Lent, and it commemorates the last week of Jesus' life.
- "The one who believes in me will live, even though they die."
- "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son,"
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The future of the Church
- Church growth: the church has responded to the changing nature of society by trying to unite the people and bring them to the faith. Education programmes, charity and missionary work attempt to bring Christianity to all people.
- Missionary and evangelical work: A missionary is a person who is sent out on a religious mission, especially to promote Christianity in foreign places. Evangelical work refers to the spreading of faith by missionaries. Christians who undertake missionary work are sent into an area to share their faith and the message of the Bible, and to provide a service to others. History-William Carey. "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
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The Church in the local community
- Role and importance of the church community: 1. unites the local community. 2. provides support and comfort when needed. 3. can give advice from sources of authority, such as the minister of the vicar. 4. gives identity and belonging to people in a community. "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
How the local church community helps:
- Centre for Christian identity: The local church will organise events to bring people together in the community and create a sense of Christian identity: clubs for children, such as Sunday school or youth groups; social groups, such as coffee mornings to create social opportunities for Christians; Bible study groups.
- Ecumenism: tries to break down barriers between different Christian denominations, reminding all Christians that they are followers of God and believe in Jesus.
- Outreach work: Many Christians choose either to volunteer or to work in positions that involve them going out into the local community.
- Worship through living practices: the local church community will celebrate special events, including events such as Christmas and Easter and rites of passage.
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The worldwide Church
- Importance of the worldwide Church: 1. Gives a global identity to Christians. 2. Promotes unity. 3. Provides support when needed. 4. Shows how Christian teachings can be put into action globally. "Love one another."
- Reconciliation and facing persecution: Christians sometimes face persecution, including verbal and physical abuse. Christians believe they should work to overcome persecution and break down barriers. Some Christians support those being persecuted, for example by educating people about Christianity. The worldwide church emphasises the shared nature of faith to unite all Christians.
- Christian teachings about charity: 1. "Love your neighbour as yourself."-Christianity teaches compassion. 2. Jesus taught about helping others. 3. "God created mankind in his own image."-we should all have equality and dignity. 4. Christians believe they will be accountable to God for their actions in this life.
- Christian Aid: A Christian charity that works globally to end poverty. It campaigns against injustice and seeks to change government policy.
- Divergent Christian attitudes to charity: Some Christians will tithe-giving a set percentage of their salary each month to charity. Others believe a person should give what they can afford and that Christian teachings about charity teach the importance of piety (being devoted to Christianity) and helping others in any way possible.
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