Responsibility of local authorities to promote individual's wellbeing
Care given should continue if an individual moves from one area to another
Has guidance for care assessments
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Health and Social Care Act 2012
Introduced the concept of 'no decision without me'
Established health and well-being boards
Introduced an independent service called 'health watch'
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Equality Act 2010
States 9 different protected characteristics that are the bases of discrimination
States that reseasonable adjustments must be made by employers or providers of services to allow people with disabilities to access the same opportunities as others
prohibits discrimnation in any form
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Mental Capacity Act 2005
Presumes all adults have the capacity to make decisions for themselves
Says all adults should be supported to make their own decisions, including unwise decisions if they have the mental capacity to do so
Any decisions that must be made on behalf of an individual must be done in their best interests
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Children Act 2004
States 5 universal aims for children - health, safety, make a positive contribution, enjoy & achieve, economic provision
Created children commissioner role
Encourages partnership working and information sharing
Children's welfare is paramount
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Data Protection Act 1998
All information held should be collected with the individual's permission and only shared when other individuals need to know
Information should only be used for the purpose it was intended
Information should be accurate, safely stored and protected
Shouldn't be kept for any longer than it is needed
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Children and Families Act 2014
Children's commissioner role was strengthened and more responsibilities given
Supports the role of the family by ensuring organisations can offer family friendly working
Ensured that family courts act in the best interests of children affected by issues like divorce, social care requirements, etc
Introduced Educational Health Care Plans
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Human Rights Act 1998
Law which applies to all public authorities
States a number of basic rights all individuals are entitled to such as right to liberty, freedom from discrimination and right to life
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The Care Certificate 2014
Introduced to support the duties carried out by 'unregulated job roles' such as health care workers, social care assistants, etc
Has 15 different standards which are assessed to ensure high quality care and support
Standards include equality & diversity, communication, work in a person centred way
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Responsible for inspections of childcare and education settings
Focus of inspections include leadership & management, personal development, outcomes for children and learners and safeguarding
Publishes inspection reports which are graded
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Care quality commission
Regulates and inspects health and social care settings
Provides gradings that state the quality of provision
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Equality and human rights commissions
Provides independent advice on discriminatory practice
Produces research and resources about discrimination
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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Main responsibilities are to assess drugs and treatments that become available for patients and determines the benefits of the drug, cost effectiveness, whether it should be available on NHS
Looks to improve outcomes for all people who use the NHS
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