LOL 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Design & TechnologyASEdexcel Created by: Thomas GambleCreated on: 06-05-13 17:46 Aesthetics part 1 Colour associations Red - aggressive, passion, strong and heavy, danger socialism, heat Blue - comfort, loyalty and sercurity, for boys, sea, sky, peace and tranquilly, cold Yellow - caution, spring and brightness, joy, cowardice, sunlight Green - money, health, jealousy, greed, food and nature, inexperience Brown - nature, aged and eccentric, rustic, soils and earth, heaviness Orange - warmth, excitment and energy, religion, fire, gaudiness Pink - soft, healty, childlike and feminine, graditude, sympathy Purple - royalty, sophistication and religion, creativity, wisdom Black - dramatic, classy and serious, morden evil, mourning Grey - business, cold and distinctive, humility, neutrality White - clean, pure and simple, innocence, elegance 1 of 7 Aesthetics part 2 The Golden Number Fibonacci series 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ... 1/1 = 1 2/1 = 2 3/2 = 1.5 5/3 = 1.6666... 8/5 = 1.6 13/8 = 1.625 21/13 = 1.61938... 34/21 = 1.61904... 1.618 033 988 ... 2 of 7 Legislation part 1 Sale of goods act 1979 Goods must conform to the description given Goods must be of a satisfactory quality Goods must be fit for purpose and free from defects Sellers responsibility if goods don't meet standards Purchasers have the right to request their money back Repair or replacement can be requested If not then the customer can request partial refund Trade description act 1968 False or misleading description which effects the use of goods is and offence False or misleading description when goods are supplied is an offence £5000 per offence in a Magistrates court, Unlimited fine in a Crown court and/or 2 years in prison Traders may lose their consumer credit licence 3 of 7 Legislation part 2 BSI British Standards Specification Methods Guides Vocabularies Codes of practice Standards help companies to: Attract and assure customers that products are safe and fit for purpose Demonstrate market leadership, creating a competitive advantage Continue to develop and maintain best practice CE refers to safety not quality, without it products can't be sold in the EU, Norway, Ice and Liechtenstein 4 of 7 Legislation part 3 Intellectual Property (IP) All kinds of intangible (not phisical), design ieas, written material, artistic and musical composition. Design right Registered designs Patents Trademarks Copyright Design right Rights of the creator of design(s) unregistered design rights protect the shape of a product Design rights can be bought, sold or licensed Only protected in the UK They last ten years 5 of 7 Legislation part 4 Registered designs Appearance of the product: shape and pattern/decoration. Visual features Original Every five years Patents Function aspects: how it works, how it is made and made from. Allowing others to make copies, selling copies and offering copies for sale 20 years Must be new and inventive Cannot be: scientific or mathmatical, literary or dramatic, musical or artisitc, an animal or plant 6 of 7 Legislation part 5 Trademarks Individual identity in the form of a word, name, song, symbol, logo, slogan, domain name, shape or sound. Distinctive, not deceptive, morally acceptable Renewed every 10 years ® means that a trademark is registered TM means that a trademark isn't registered Copyright The right to copy an original creation whilst protecting the rights of the creator Literature, manuals, computer programs, song lyrics, works of art, photographs, dance, drama and music Copyright applies to any type of medium. The © symbol is required in some foreign countries 7 of 7
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