Young Woman experiment with saying her lines as soon as Richard Roe has said his
To contrast with the clipped dialogue in episode one: ‘Yes! Yes! I remember now!’ I would have the actor playing the . This would make their dialogue more fluent as a whole and convey the unification between the two, as well as the urgency the Young Woman feels in trying to make the most of the little time they have together, as opposed to the very blunt and distanced exchanges between the Young Woman and Mr J in their episodes, and even the Young Woman and the nurses in the hospital episode. This would communicate the complete change in the Young Woman since the beginning of the play, as the relationship explored in the episode can only be so flowing and unified because of the change in her character.
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Vocals Episode 6 (Part 2)
actors could try speaking each other’s lines
so that they could use their character’s vocalisation but with the other’s lines. This would mean the only thing communicating their character would be their vocalisation with tone of voice, pitch etc. as the movement would again be ignored, forcing the actors to focus solely on how they say the lines and not what they are saying or doing. This technique would also serve the dual purpose of allowing the actors to hear their lines being spoken which would allow them to further consider the meaning of their dialogue and therefore further the vocalisation of their lines in that they would understand what the character was trying to say more thoroughly.
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Vocals Episode 6 volume
the two actors could practise whispering their lines to each other in close proximity and ignoring any choreographed movement
To convey the more relaxed nature of the relationship between Roe and the Young Woman, as well as the private aspect of the scene and their independence from the standards of the rest of the world; in the episode. This would encourage the actors to explore how personal the scene is, as well as the independence of this moment from the rest of society. This could also explore the change in the Young Woman, as previously she has always tried to open the blinds when she’s been alone with a man and been told (by Mr J) to close them as ‘people can see in,’ as she does not open the blinds in this episode it shows how she’s no longer searching for something else, or wanting someone to ‘see in’ and come and rescue her as she has found everything she needed in Richard.
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Vocals Episode 6 physicality
making some kind of physical contact with the other actor every time they said a line
To extend the recognised impact of the words the two characters are saying they could also experiment with . This would give the dialogue more of a presence on stage as the actors would come to expect action after each phrase, altering their physicality which would draw attention to the power balance of the characters and make the dialogue seem more natural to the audience.
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