The Vassall Affair
- In 1963 the Government was obiged to appoint an official investigation into the case of JV, a civil servant, who in 1962 was caugh spying for the Soviet Union. It was suggested that senior members within the government had covered up for Vassall, although the report found no such findings, the credibility of the government had been damaged.
The John Profumo Affair
- John Profumo, the minister of war was found to be having sexual relations with Christine Keeler, a vice girl, who was also have sexual relations with a member from the Soviet Embassy. It was the Daily Express that cleverly exposed the affair, placing John Profumo's resignation by the photo of Christine Keeler on the front page of the Newspaper, avoiding the illegal action of breaking the Libel Law.Macmillan's image suffered as JP had lied to the HOC, and Macmillan had believed him.
Night of the Long knives 1962
- Purge of his cabinet intended to rejuvenate the Cabinet, actually weaked. Sacked 1/3 of Cabinet including COE Lloyd
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