Making Modern American Culture


Science and Faith

  1. The US remains a highly religious nation, but new scientific discoveries enhance faith in science 
    1. EX: Darwin's Evolution is translated by Spencer to "Social Darwinism"
      1. Attractive b/c
    2. Americans are out-competing others. 
  2. Diversity and Innovation in Religion: 
    1. Diversity: Immigration 
    2.  Protestants: Innovate 
      1. Missions to foreign countries 
      2. Social Gospel - renew faith by pushing social justice 
      3. Fundamentalism 
  3. Commerce and Culture 
    1. Consumer Culture SEEMS democratic. If you've got money, you can ride. 
  4. Public Spaces become less masculine 
  5. Class in Public Spaces 
    1. Vagrancy Laws 
  6. Women, Men and the Self 
    1. The dilemma of Industrialization: working for a living provides freedom, risk 
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Commerce and Culture

  • Industrialization brings terms like “middle class” and “working class” into use 
  • What do these identities mean today? In the 1880s? 
  • Consumer Spaces 
  •  Public space had long been loud, male-centered. New businesses encourage more women, families. 
  •  Changes at Home 
  •  Changes in Travel 
  • 1896: Plessy v. Ferguson: WHY NOW?
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Masculine Leisure in Glided Age Culture 

  • Does white-collar work make men weak, effeminate? 
  • “Muscular Christianity” 
  • YMCA and Country Clubs 
  • The Rise of Professional Sports 
  • Baseball, Football 
  • The Great Outdoors 
  • Rise of the Environment Movement: John Muir 
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