benzodiazepines (e.g. midazolam, lorazepam): psychological e.g. anxiety
eGFR >30: 50mg cyclizine SC 8hrly (PRN), max 150mg/24hrs, consider infusion if regular doses required
eGFR <30: 1mg haloperidol 4hrly (PRN). If 2 consecutive doses ineffective, seek advice. Review after 24hrs and consider regular 2.5mg SC ON if effective
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Hyoscine has antimuscarinic and anticholinergic effects- decreases excess secretions
eGFR >30: 400mcg hyoscine hydrobromide SC every hr (PRN), max 2.4mg in 24hrs
eGFR <30: 20mg hyoscine butylbromide SC every hr (PRN), max 120mg/24hrs
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