materials and their propertiesss

  • Created by: Sheaso2
  • Created on: 23-11-23 19:35

what is a material

a material is any substance that can be used to make something.

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what are the 5 different sources the raw materials

earth, sea, air, crude oil and living things.

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what do raw materials need to be before they are u

raw materials need to be processed before they are useful.

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what does raw materials being processed before the

sometimes this involves some sort of chemical change

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what is it called if a chemical reaction needed to

synthetic/man-made material, othewise they are known as natural materials

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what is a natural material

a material that comes from the earth as a natural resource 

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what is a synthetic material

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what is a synthetic material

man-made in  a factory

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what is a material used for dictated by

what a material is used for is dictated by its properties

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scientists can examine the properties of materials

scientists can examine the properties of materials and then make a decision about which material is best for a particular job

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