- classed as a problem play as it doesn't fit into the other categories of comedy, tragedy, historical or romantic plays.
- written in 1604 (during the reign of King James I) the play is set firmly in the Jacobean period and is therefore reflective of traditional Jacobean values:
- very strict gender roles led to the continuation of patriarchy from Elizabethan times - women often had no choice in decisions such as marriage etc.
- society was also extremely puritanical due to the PROTESTANT religious beliefs of the monarch James I, sex was a taboo topic - the play would have shocked audiences.
- references to venereal disease (such as syphilis) at the start of the play would have been relevant to the audiences as it was rife at the time of its performance.
- fornication was seen as a great sin.
- the tearing down of brothels alluded to by Pompey did actually happen to stop plague in 1604.
- sex before marriage was seen as a sin which would 'brand' the woman involved for life and prevent her from ever marrying - explains Isabella's reluctance.
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