the idea that representation is a production of meaning through semiotics.
steryotyping reduces people to a few simple character traits
this is show in tide by suggesting the women is only for the home , this is a traditonal steryotype
women are economivally depedant on men (like children) for their survival
the typical 1950s steryotype of the housewife is being represented
women are all about cleaning and the home
women are being presented as restrictive as all they talk about is washing clothes 'only importnace in their life'
these ideas of woem keep the less powerful in a phatriacal society, restricted to the dometic world
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Representation- Gilroy post colonial theory
no ethnicity shown other that white
middle age women
middle class women for thoes who could afford a washing machiene
establishing a social hierachy suggesting 'whites' are at the top can afford these luxuaries
cleanliness is only for white people (time of the civial rights movement)
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Representation- Gauntletts identity theory
the media provides us with tools and resources for which we construct our own identity
in the past the media offereed us very limited identities in comparission to todays society
women are being reduced to the housewife, their convosations being reduces to anything about washing, like its the only importance (time of the cold war)
the model of domestic perfection that the audience use to construct their own identity
very narrown and mainstream representation of women
reinforcing hegimonic ideologies and beliefs
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bell hooks/ Van Zoonen - tide
hooks -
typical text of a pahtrichal society
woem being reduced to a housewife
their only intrest( why are they not presented as intelligent, they are talking about washing when it is the time in history when the cold war is taking place)
this limited women to thinking they are incapable of being smart and having any other knowlage that isnt domestic
emphisised by 'what women want' like this is all they need and want in life
very sexist, no men are represented
men are producing these texts and are reinforcing hegimonic belifs that maintatin their poisition of dominance and power.
van zoonen-
over sexualised- outlined breasts, waist made thinner
impractical outfits for cleaning ; dresses,heels
courset type outfiut very impractical
full face of makeup
this is tpo appeal to the male gaze
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Media Language Analysis- tide
tide- connotes power, hero fullfing the role of the man
headings,subheadings and slogans- all written in Sans-Serif font, connoting an informal mode of adress
this is reinforced with the 'comic' style image in the bottom right hand coner with two women 'talking' about the product using informal lexis ' sudsing whizz'
this is reinforced as the more 'technical'/instructions for the product are written in a more 'serious' font connoting more factual infomation
white background connotes cleanliness, power, optimisum and purity
fun, flirty and happy mode of adress. 'tides got what women want'
semiotics- exited tone is created through exclamation mark. Barthes semantic codes could be applied for the use of heart above the main image, connote love and relationship
hyperbole and superlatives 'miracle' , 'world cleanest wash'
dress code of the main image is of a steryotypical 1950s housewife, short hair, in a scarf this undermines her full face of makeup
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4cs- aspirers- desirabillity, shes huging the box, it is something you should want to have , mainstreamers, everyone wants it
NRS social grade - women 18+, CB and upwards grade
middle class, wives/mothers who can afford new wahing machienes
flatterisation of women, idealising their lifestyle, new machiene = happy women
Halls Reception-
preffered- housewife who is happy with her life.has a washing machiene,hapoy being only domestic, doent seek more
neogatiated- cant afford a washing machiene, may buy tide to rekate to thoes on the suberbs
oppositional- diffrent ethnicity, not the lifestyle for them, single,woeking women,working mothers
America isnt like this opposed to consumerism and capitalism dipiction of women
a women should be economically dependant on men-nthis makes them very passive
limites womens aspirations and reinforces a phatriacal society
tide is seen as the 'hero' rescuing the damsel in distress as she hugs it
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