Brands: Disney animation, childhood, theme parks. Brand image enstablish a difference to other companies.
Media influence - values + ideology are transmitted through representation in media texts. Powerful intituation can influence the attitudes, interests and beliefes and desires of audience on a large scale.
Rehulations - Fifferent regulations for a different countless indrstries.
British classification regulate the film industry and decide the rating.
Advertising standards autghorit decide wether complaints should be acted uopn.
PBS (Public Service Broadcasting) BBC - BBC is founded by the license fee compulsaru levy which everyhousehold with a TV has to pay. Entirely independedant, no links tot he gevernment, set up by royal charter. Differenr Countries have their own PBS.
Commerial insititutions - Try to combat the power of the BBC by becoming larger and creating vericle integration. Institutions has shares or owns each part f the production.
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