- Created by: Lydia
- Created on: 08-05-13 16:02
Believing in God - Media
The Vicar of Dibley ENCOURAGES people to believe in God. This is because...
- The reverend presents believing in God as a natural part of life. The vicars humourous and light hearted way of living presents the christian life style as appearling, and so encourages people to start believing.
- Moreover, it conveys the life of a 21st ventrury vicar objectively,handling issues such as pre marital sex from a modern perspective.
The Big Question DISCOURAGES people to believe in God. This is because...
- Richard Dawkins criticises William Paley's design theory. As the programme is presented by an Oxford University professor and produced by the well respected Discovery channel, some people may be convinced that there is no God.
- Furthermore, Dawkins programmes puts forwards Charles Darwin's theory of evolution as a more logical alternative to the design theory, which he mocks was "simply made up". He describes it as "much neater, more self sufficient and more satisfying" explanation of how beings came about. This may persuade people there is no God.
Marriage and Family - Media
Questions about media within religion and family will orientate around the following ideas; marriage, divorce, sex outside marriage, contraception, homosexuality, family life, different christian attitudes to all of these.
DO you think the media presents religous issues fairly?
- No - in "Little Britain", a character "Daffyd Thomas" is comically presented as "The only gay in the villiage". THis portrays homosexuals in a stereotypical way which may lead to discrimination.
- No - in Friends , the character "ross" is used to present marriage as frivolous and disposable as he gets married and divorced a total of three times. THis is an unfair presentation of the marriage ceremony which is supposed to be a dignified and special service - "til death do us part."
- Yes - In "skins" The character "maxxie" is portayed in a postive light and the issues he faces as a homosexual in society are realistic. This issue is treated sensitively, and allows people to empathise with the struggles homosexual people face agaisnt prejudiced people.
Matters of Life and Death - Media
Questions about media in Matters of Life and Death will orientate around the following topics; Life after death, Abortion, Euthanasia, Poverty, and christian views on all of the above.
Does the media present issues of life and death fairly?
- Yes - in "Juno" the main characters life is changed by an accidental pregnancy. THe film portrays the issue objectively, showing both arguments for abortion and arguments against abortion.
- Yes - in "slumdog Millionaire" the issue of world poverty is treated fairly because viewers gain an insight into what life is like for the poor in India. It treats the issue senstively by showing the struggles of life in the slums, which encourages viewers to empathise with those in poverty and do something about it.
- No - the issue of life after death is massively exagerated in the media for entertainment purposes. For example, in "shaun of the dead", the main characters are plagued by dead people that have turned into zombies. They could be seen as mocking life after death, as they are only portrayed for comedic purposes.
Religion and Community Cohesion - Media
Questions about media in religion and community cohesion will orientate around the following subjects; gender, multi-ethnic society (inc asylum seekers), multi-faith, government and community cohesion.
Do you think the media treats issues of religion and community cohesion fairly?
- Yes - in "Bend it like Beckham" issues of a multi-ethnic society are dealt with when the main character Jess experiences a clashing in cultures - her typical indian lifestyle with the english culture of football. It is represented objectively because both sides of the problem are addressed - those who would prefer to remain secular and those who would embrace community cohesion.
- Yes - in "The vicar of Dibley" the initial reception the female reverend faces is cold.due to shock at a woman vicar from the congregation. However, they soon overcome their prejudices and embrace a woman vicar. This issue is represented fairly becase both views are presented.
- Yes - in "the vicar of dibley" Dave hates the reverend, showing the real issue of sexism in the church. The characters misinterprate the reverend, Dave saying "You walk in here with your high heels" which wasn't true, showing stereotypical views on woman vicars.
Believing in God - Media 2
Arguments that the media should NOT be free to criticise religious beliefs?
- No - it is a way of stirring up religious hatred which is banned by law (Racial and Religious hatred Act 2007)
- No - It can cause serious offence to believers.
- No - Verging on blasphemous
- No - God is beyond human criticism.
- ARticle 10
Believing in God - Media 2
Should the media be free to criticise religious beliefs?
- It is a way of stirring up religious hatred which is banned by law (Racial and Religious hatred Act 2007)
- It can cause serious offence to believers.
- Verging on blasphemous
- God is beyond human criticism.
- Religious leaders use the media to criticise government policies, so should be prepared for rebuttle.
- In a multi-faith society, there must be freedom of religous belief and expression.
- Life and death issues are so important that there should be debate in the media.
- Life and death issues must be scrutinised by the free media.
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